There is no more effective tool for dev’t than empowering women


More often than not, leadership is a much gendered word or notion and it continues to be associated with men in a number of cultural contexts, according to Caiazza (2004).

Various studies pointed out that despite the fact that women hold positions of leadership and responsibility, it is common to presume that the “rightful” leader is a man; for the reason in most nations men are more on the cards of leaders than their counterparts, women.

The idea of gender equality was first recognized in the United Nations Charter in 1945, and then again in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The Beijing Platform for Action (BPA, 1995) is the most prominent of the important modifications made thus far.

Yet, gender imbalance in leadership, in higher education is still a global concern since progress toward parity has been slow and unequal, despite the fact that more women are increasingly ascending to leadership positions in higher education (Davidson & Burke, 2004).

The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 highlighted that women in positions of authority and decision-making are essential for democratic government, and the Beijing Platform for Action highlighted it as one of twelve important areas of concern.

Owing to this fact, the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs is exerting utmost effort and is undertaking various activities to upgrade women’s skills and knowledge in the education sector thereby enhance their decision making role in the area, as the Ministry disclosed.

As part of this effort, recently, the Ministry in partnership with the Ethiopian Teachers Association carried out a discussion forum at Adama Town on ways how to build the capacity of women serving in leadership and executive positions in the education sector in a sustainable manner.

Representing the Ministry, Seleshi Tadesse noted that though tremendous progresses have been witnessed on women’s role and participation in leadership positions due to the reform, more qualified and skilled women should be created in the education sector.

In order to enable women endure possible multilayered and complicated difficulties, it is important to build their skills at all areas. Noting that the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association would take the lion’s share in this regard, he suggested that the association should exert its responsibility through preparing short and long term trainings.

President of the Ethiopian Teachers Association, Yohannes Benti, (PhD), on his part stated that the association executes activities aiming to enhance all-round capacity of women adding that they work with higher institutions and training centers to provide skill and capacity building trainings.

Association’s Gender Office Representative, Destaye Tadesse on her part noted that efforts are underway to capacitate women with the required skills, knowledge and build their personality at all level through establishing girls’ club in various higher institutions.

She further mentioned that activities are being made in schools to ensure that gender based violence prevention structure are formed in schools to minimize women’s vulnerability to challenges.

Concluding the program, Women and Social Affairs State Minister Alemitu Umod on her part said that the government is striving focusing on empowering women and enhancing their leadership and decision-making roles. To this end, the Ministry works closely with the Ethiopian Teacher Association on common agendas.

The Ministry will further strengthen its partnership with the association to enable women leaders of the association achieve their goals for the success of the planned activities. It will provide the necessary support and assistance, she vowed.

The State Minister also urged women leaders to utilize the available opportunity accordingly, to be self-sufficient, share their knowledge and skills with others, and apply their knowledge effectively.

At the forum, carried out for three consecutive days focusing on matters including Transformational Leadership, Intentional Growth, Women and Peace, members of teachers associations drawn from all states and the two city administrations, leaders and executives took part.

The Ethiopian Herald June 16/2022

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