An Ethiopian woman resistance, agency in political leadership

In a society like Ethiopia which is basically characterized by rooted patriarchy and socially approved female humiliation and degradation, the women’s efficacy and cautiousness is massively needed than anything. Ethiopia is a... Read more »

Recognizing women’s indispensable role in diplomacy

The International Day of Women in Diplomacy was celebrated on July 8, 2024, under the theme “Women, Peace, and Security: An Exchange on Lessons Learned and Experiences in the Implementation of Resolution... Read more »

African women agency and political inclusion; Joyce Banda’s political experience

The term agency of a woman has been a dominant term since the colonial period. African women during colonization were facing double patriarchy. That is the socio-cultural patriarchy of the indigenous people... Read more »

African women, social transformation

In the previous article entitled Af­rican STIWA in African women leaders’ experiences, I have men­tioned the notion of African STI­WA and I picked up three core points to mirror the political experiences... Read more »

Actors joining to fill gender disparity in aviation industry

The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) conducted a workshop, recently, on gender equality and available career opportunities for women in the aviation sector where it made a call to... Read more »

 “Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women”

The Ethiopian government, with the aim to ensure the equal participation and benefits of women has put in place various strategies and policies and implemented various activities accordingly. Among these strategies and... Read more »

 Women’s involvement in peace process to bring lasting solution

Women constitute around 52 percent of the population of the Horn of Africa which justifies their meaningful inclusion in all peace processes. Although there is evidence that they are involved and have... Read more »

What lesson Ethiopia can draw from Rwanda’s parliamentary system?

The recalling point that is stuck in one’s mind when the name Rwanda uttered is the historical massive massacre of the 1994 civil war. As certain resources revealed, the cause of the... Read more »

 Virtue sustained through generation

Asegedech Asfaw, 90, spent almost half of her life taking care of destitute and elderly people. Residing in Dire Dawa City, she has always been keen on supporting people since her childhood.... Read more »

 Time to make online spaces safe for women, young girls

Contrary to its multifaceted significance, the advancement of technology and its appearance in different forms has its own side effects. These days, it is common to see many people use various sorts... Read more »