Digital media, stereotypical gender representations

Various studies have found that media, be it the traditional media to current online media, influences people’s perceptions and ideas highly towards the role of girls and women in society.

Some media, being one of the entities that tend to perpetuate gender inequality, they are still influencing people’s outlook, especially children, by the gendered stereotypes that they are presenting to them; for the reason, gender specific features and representations in media do have an influence on how we perceive gender roles.

As to the studies, exposure to stereotypical gender portrayals and clear gender segregation correlates with preferences for ‘gender appropriate’ media content, toys, games and activities, to traditional perceptions of gender roles, occupations and personality traits, as well as to attitudes towards expectations and aspirations for future trajectories of life.

It is true that in many countries, women’s ideas and opinions tend to be terminated, not receiving proper attention or disregarded; and usually they are not trained or encouraged to ask questions and be part of public debates.

Having little or no information, women not only lack the knowledge about their rights, but they also fail to exercise them, especially with regard to their rights to education, to property, etc. as well as challenge existing norms and stereotypes, though, access to information empowers women to claim their rights and make better decisions.

Taking the aforementioned facts into consideration, recently the Ethiopian Media Women Association (EMWA) in collaboration with US Embassy held a discussion as well as recognition program under the theme: ‘We strive to enhance women’s participation in media’.

The Ethiopian Media Women Association granted appreciation and recognition certificate to its members who have contributed a lot during the worst and better situations where the association has passed through so far.

Ethiopian Media Women Association (EMWA) is an association that was established in 1999 with the objective of strengthening women’s capacity. For the past 22 years, it has been undertaking number of activities and has been offering several trainings for media personnel in collaboration with its partners and stakeholders to enhance the capacity of women in the profession.

The recognition certificate was given to Tekabech Assefa and Selome Desta who are said to sacrifice their time, money and knowledge for the betterment of the association since its establishment.

Apart from Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Ergoge Tesfaye, prominent individuals such as Amare Aregawi, Tamerat WoldeGioregis, Selome Tadesse, and others were also given appreciation certificates.

During the event, Alemitu Oumed, State Minister for Ministry of Women and Social Affairs noted that the participation of women in media is progressing well adding that her office is undertaking several activities to encourage and motivate them.

“Though the association has come too far through enhancing the participation of women media professionals, there are many activities that ought to be implemented to achieve its major goals. To this end, the Ministry would exert its responsibilities so as to enable the women achieve their goals, and help the association realize its mission,” she underscored.

The major aim of the discussion was said to create access to women who are working on digital media to share experience, as well as to reflect their view on ways how women could use the available good opportunities and curb challenges.

Journalist and Board Member of Ethiopian Media Women Association, Yeshewa Maseresha stated that giving recognition to prominent women media professionals has a paramount significance in terms of encouraging those who are already in the profession, and those aspiring to join the occupation.

She further emphasized that the association is striving to curb maladministration and biased system thereby create strong women media professionals.

Similar to its opportunities, social media has brought about challenges for women, thus, she noted that various trainings should be offered for women.

As to her, media houses should take the issue of women seriously aside from marking March 8 annually; because merely celebrating the day and entertaining women’s matter once a year could not bring the desired outcome.

“Despite the opportunities that the digital media has brought about, the need to organize such event is of important because women as well as people with disabilities are still victims of online media; and efforts should be exerted to enable them prevent the difficulties.”

Moreover, she emphasized that though media should have been used as a weapon to fight biased systems, unfortunately, she noted that women who work in the digital media are still the victims of biased and blurred perceptions.

To this end, it is crucial to join hands with professionals and partners; and exert utmost efforts towards curbing the challenges, as to her.

Critical discussion was also held under a title ‘Is digital media an opportunity or a challenge?’ and attendants reflected their ideas on the matter.

Similarly, talks were also held with respect to the attention that is given to person with disabilities and women in the digital media as well as pointed out ways how these segments of the society could prevent the challenge.

Women media professionals from Sidama, Harari, Amhara, Oromia states including from the two city administrations media houses took part and shared their experiences at the event.



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