‘To educate girls is to reduce poverty’

It goes without saying that an investment that goes to girls’ education and trainings will not only transform communities, countries and the entire world but it is one of the most transformative development strategies that could be applied to a country.

Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young; and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives. They earn higher incomes, participate in the decisions that most affect them, and build better futures for themselves and their families, as to UNICEF.

It is a fact that educating girls strengthens economies and reduces inequality and plays a pivotal role in contributing to more stable, resilient societies that give all individuals the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Recently, Addis Ababa City Administration Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs along with KVO international Charity organization hosted a capacity building training which aimed at enhancing the all rounded-capability of students for Etege Menen girls’ Boarding Secondary School students.

Deputy Head of Addis Ababa City Administration Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs, Meron Aragaw, noted during the capacity building training apart from providing material or in kind support, offering capacity building trainings for women has multifaceted benefit with regard to enhancing their holistic capability.

According to the Deputy Head, since the students are well skilled and have good academic performance to begin with, the capacity building training would enable them to not only apply on themselves but it would also allow them to support fellow students.

Once accomplishing the training, the students would be equipped with the capacity to manufacture sanitary pads to themselves as well as others, as KVO.

Investing in girls’ secondary education and training has a paramount of significance. Of such importance, the increases of lifetime earnings of girls, rises of national growth rate, decline rate of child marriage, falls on child mortality and maternal mortality rate, as well as drop of child stunting, are among others, according to UNICEF.

Taking the above fact in to account, CEO of KVO International Charity Organization, Mikiyas Girma, Deputy Head of Addis Ababa City Administration Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs, Meron Aragaw including the School Principal of Etege Menen Girls’ Boarding Secondary School, Tigist Yosef, signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide further capacity building trainings.



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