Ethiopians remain united despite all odds

 It is clear that conflict is part of human life and nations, but the scale and the nature of the conflict differ from place to place and the way involved parties’ wants to exploit it make the modification.

For years ethnic and religious conflicts have been used to attain their own political agenda in Ethiopia. However, despite all odds Ethiopians are keeping on living in harmony maintaining the co-existence values among various ethnic and religious groups.

We are witnessing that some politicians and activists who are not willing to abide by the rule of law and did not want to see a prosperous Ethiopia have been trying to use the youth to instigate violence and unrest in the country. Using ethnic and religious issues, they have tried their level best to poison the peaceful coexistence of the people.

The issue of peace in the country has concerned almost every Ethiopian. Seeing the existing experience of the country several people are contributing their part to bring a sustainable peace. Community elders are among this groups who are currently playing a key role.

Taye Berso, is among notable leaders in Sidama comuinty. For him, peace is a foundation for every activity. Without it nothing is possible. According to him, religious and ethnic conflicts are works of conflict entrepreneurs to attain their political goals under the disguise of religion and ethnicity. In this regard, we must join hands to fight those war entrepreneurs.

Taye believes that the causes of the recent conflicts in Gondar city and other parts of the country are not purely religious. They are political agendas set by those ani-peace elements.

Christians and Muslims have existed in harmony in Ethiopia for centuries. Those anti-peace-elements might try to use all options to stir the peace and stability of the nation. The truth is, they would never be effective. The culture of tolerance among Ethiopians is built up on concrete foundations.

“Religions and ethnic groups have lived in harmony for many years. There haven’t been religious or ethnic conflicts in Ethiopia. But conflict entrepreneurs who have a mission to destabilize Ethiopia under the cover of religion and ethnicity are now spoiling the culture of peaceful coexistence. I believe these groups and individuals are taking religion and ethnic issues as agendas to realize their hidden political interests.”

Taye also noted that conflicts in Ethiopia are mainly created by external forces that are working day and night to destabilize Ethiopia`s peace.

The people of Ethiopia should protect their peace and stability from these external enemies who are working tirelessly to destabilize Ethiopia, Taye stressed.

Negewo Waqeyo, is an Oromo elder. He said, Ethiopians are peace-loving people. They need peace to improve their livelihood and the economy. According to him, conflicts in the country are political motives under the disguise of religion and ethnicity.

Negewo underscored that “Conflicts are disputes created by anti-peace elements. The people of Ethiopia, however, want to live in peace, unity, and harmony. They don’t want their country to disintegrate. We all are one; and we all have one country.”Ethiopia is a good example for the peaceful existence of different religions and cultures. If properly handled and those anti-Ethiopians elements are avoided Ethiopian experience can be practiced in other parts of the world.

There is so much for the world to learn from Ethiopia, especially when we are talking about different religions living together.Abdulaziz Muhammed Amin , is a diaspora Muslim who happened to be here in Addis for Eid Al-Fitr. He believes that peace should be an unquestionable ingredient of every human kind. “Peace and tranquility is necessary and we have to give it priority and we need to work together. When we have peace and tranquility, we can get together like this and pray.” Indeed, Peace and tranquility are not something we Ethiopians provide for negotiation.

As a land that is striving to achieve economic progress and to be a model African prosperous country, peace is the necessity for every Ethiopian. While those anti-peace elements are working day and night, the true lovers of Ethiopian will also work day and night to preserve the peace and stability of the nation. This could be by participating in national dialogues or other activities that promote the peace of the nation. No matter how hard anti-Ethiopian groups work hard, the strong Ethiopian sentiment is still fresh and intact.


The Ethiopian Herald  14 May   2022

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