Easter’s Vibe

Easter is a widely celebrated holyday in Ethiopia. It comes with the sentiment of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Christians celebrate this holyday colorfully each year. Jesus Christ came to earth to pay for our sins. The orthodox Christians celebrate Easter after a 2 month fasting session called the AbiyTsom or 40 days fasting (lent) to remember what Jesus Christ went through during these times. He spent these 40 days fasting and lastly praying confronting the devil to teach humans a lesson. The devil tested him at one point saying “be my servant and I will give you the whole kingdom… showing him the world in gold… all of this will be yours” he said. “ Man shall not live by bread alone but by the word of God,” Jesus replied. Almost 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ taught the people of Jerusalem many lessons and in the end the people turned against him until his crucifixion on Good Friday… they buried him that day and on Saturday midnight he rose from the dead. Saturday past midnight the grave area of Christ rumbled and the soldiers around him got buried, and he resurrected. He forgave all the people that betrayed him, seconds before his death. His famous quote was “Forgive them father, for they don’t know what they are doing”. This showed the extent of his kindness, for he forgave the people that put him in his grave. He told his people to forgive others like he did. This lesson has been a crucial part of Christianity. During the fasting session Christians avoid meat and dairy products (energy giving foods that allow the flesh to thrive and by defector the soul subdued)… they basically become vegetarians. The fasting ends the day Christ resurrected i.e Saturday 3:00 P.M. After that, people start the feast of Easter by eating all kinds of the aforementioned foods. Theologians say the fasting period makes Christians submissive to their God by teaching them how to restrict themselves from their fleshly desires. The fasting for some orthodox Christians goes to the extent of fasting without any food and drink 2/3 rd every of the 40 days (some additional 15 days). Christians spend the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by worshiping him. It is commonly known as Segdet meaning worshiping God by standing on the knees, prostrating and then standing erect several times. Easter in Ethiopia is known for the widespread shopping days before its coming. People usually buy chickens, sheep, and oxen for their meat supply. During Easter they gather around wearing cultural clothes. They feast on cultural foods like Doro wet (A chicken soup made of chicken meat, Red pepper, spices and butter ) which is a famous meal during Easter and spend a fun time together embracing their culture to remember this special occasion i.e the resurrection of Jesus Christ.




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