The joy of sharing while marking Easter

Easter is all about sacrificing one’s interest to save others. Crucifixion of Jesus Christ at the cross and his resurrection is the only best example we have about selflessness, forgiveness and loving each other.

Ethiopia had been through hard times. The hardship it has passed through, in turn, has taught a great lesson to all. However, despite all these challenges, the land and its people have survived and flourished. Ethiopians, using relative peace and stability, are now leading their life and celebrating holidays along with their family members and friends.

It is true, whenever holidays come, there is always the culture of sharing among Ethiopians. Depending on the culture or economic status of a given family, all Ethiopians mark holidays colorfully at the same time extend a helping hand to those who are in need of help and special care.

Easter is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar. Easter/ Fasika, signifies the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After the crucifixion, death and burial, three days later, He rose from the grave. By this, He has conquered death and redeemed human kind from eternal death. By doing this, He has taught mankind to live in peace and love.

Like that of the New Year, Easter has a significant place among Ethiopians. Since it is celebrated after 55 days of lent and prayer, almost all Orthodox Christians mark the day by eating nonfasting and other cultural foods.

On the day before the eve of Fasika it is common to see Ethiopians dressing up with traditional clothes and attending church for prayer and chanting that will last till midnight.

Unlike other week days, the first week that comes before the Easter has a somber atmosphere; and church services will not be held as colorful as at other occasions because the week is are considered as the reflection of Jesus’s sufferings, but for the faithful of great importance.

This holy week or what is locally called, Hemamate Sament, faithful Christians will observe the harshest week where Jesus Christ was betrayed, insulted, crucified and all the meekness Jesus showed to his disciples.

The secret behind Easter is rebirth and sharing one`s priceless life to others, says Mesfin Alemu, a resident here in Addis Ababa. According to him, through His death and resurrection, Jesus has shown to the world the meaning of love. God has shared His only son to the world on the cross. This is an indication of His pure and  unconditional love to human beings.

The death, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ have special and mysterious meaning to all Christians. Through his death, He has conquered death itself. Through His crucifixion, He has defeated sin on the cross. The resurrection of Jesus Christ has given a new life to His followers. He has also left behind the true meaning of forgiveness by loving those who crucified Him. While He was on earth, Jesus has let His followers to know the meaning of love, kindness and compassion by exemplifying Himself.

According to Mesfin, while celebrating Easter festival, we should also remind ourselves to forgive others. We should love others unconditionally. While God shares His one and begotten son unconditionally, we also learn to share what we have with others. When we practice this, our faith will become whole.

Ayalnesh Assefa, is a mother of five. She is also a grandmother of two. This journalist met her in the minibus while she was rushing to market to buy some holiday commodities. Even if she is in her late fifties, Ayalesh looks so young and vibrant. When this journalist asked her how well she is prepared to celebrate Easter, Ayalnesh responded with passion. “Easter and New Year are my favorite holidays. For that reason, I am well prepared to give all my energy and time to my children and grandchildren. Whenever holiday arrives, especially Easter, I enjoy getting together with my family members, chatting and feasting what we have.”

Yohannes Ayenew, is a young Ethiopian whom this journalist met accidentally. He is a driver by profession. For that reason, he spends most of his time far from his loving family. However, whenever it is a holiday, Yohannes will not compromise to attend the day with his loving families.

According to him, holidays do not have merely religious meanings. They also have a social meaning. They are special events where families and friends will come together to share what they have. That is why I happen to be here. No matter how hard the situation in my work is demanding, I do not want to spend holiday far from my families.“ Asked which part of Easter he loves most, Yohannes said that everything is enjoyable about it. Sharing meals with family members; extending a helping hand to the needy among others, impress him most. “Not only that, but whenever Easter comes, I also enjoy the spiritual practices in the church and having traditional dishes with family members.” He also said that the passion and commitment of mothers and sisters to add more color to the day is something words cannot express.

Despite the fact that they put their full energy in preparing Doro wot at night and other traditional foods; they have no regrets about it. This is visible on their smiling face.Indeed, holidays are special to Ethiopians. Despite all the economic and political challenges they have been through, they are ready and happy to celebrate Easter with families, friends and the needy ones. Sharing is one of the core values of holidays.

Whenever people learn to share whatever they have in holidays, they are sowing a love seed in the heart of the receiver. Life is not always about what we get, it is also about what we can give to others. At the end of day, our giving warmth our heart, produces sense of fulfillment and joy that the world and all its treasures could not create. It is also in giving to others that we can teach others to do the same.


The Ethiopian Herald  22  April    2022

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