Africa should stand firm in the face of modern-day imperialism

Ethiopia over the last reform periods despite trying challenges has been able to show progress in building institutions. The reorganization of democratic institutions such as the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia as independent entities sets a good lesson to the African continent that change is possible with own capacity. Against all the odds, Ethiopia has been going through dramatic institutional reforms in all areas. More importantly, the reform has been spearheaded by local capacity.

If there is one thing African countries can learn from Ethiopia’s reform activities is that it is possible to build institutions using own expertise and resource. Ethiopia negates the years of rhetoric that Africa cannot be self-sufficient. The narrative that Africa is a symbol of backwardness and poverty can further be reversed if countries follow Ethiopia’s suit.

For centuries, Africa has been considered as an aid recipient not as an important ally to the West. The relations have been mostly slave-master ones. Vividly, Africa faces myriads of socioeconomic and political barriers; however, the continent also has enough resources and opportunities to achieve all-rounded growth. With untapped natural resources and a young population, Africa can transform itself from dependency to prosperity. And, Ethiopia is the best example in this regard.

Putting other things aside, the intervention and pressure of the external world have been deepening poverty and dependency mentality in the continent. The patronage role of the West has been the major impediment in achieving African growth and African values. Using different techniques, the West has played negative role than a positive one in the continent. Particularly, the political interventions of the West have even torn countries apart. Suffice it to mention Libya. The West that has not learned from its previous mistakes is trying to do the same against Ethiopia, a country that has been a pillar to the African countries.

The ongoing foreign pressure in fact is not about Ethiopia, it is about the entire continent since as this is a new version of colonialism. This is a new wave of war directed not only against Ethiopia but African sovereignty and dignity. Ethiopia carries the hallmark of black resistance and African independence and remains an insignia to African pride. This is why; many see the external intervention being unleashed on Ethiopia as a danger to the whole African unity and sovereignty.

The coordinated smear campaign against Ethiopia has already laid bare the ill and evil intents of the West. Installing client states is now becoming the major policy drive to exploit the resource of the continent since the West lost direct control of Africa’s resources after decolonization. And, the unwarranted pressure and unjustified intervention of the West against Ethiopia clearly stems from this genesis. Despite the intensity of the pressure, Ethiopia is standing firm and setting the bar high in the fight against the odds. It is saying no to modern-day imperialism. And, as the West intensifies its pressure, African countries should join hands with Ethiopia to overcome the challenges that would perhaps result in collateral damage in the entire continent.

The Ethiopian  Herald   12 November 2021

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