Ethiopia, Somaliland administration to stiffen illegal migration control

HARGEISA – Integrated engagement has been formed with Somaliland administration and Ethiopian community in a bid to deter illegal migration and ensure the rights and benefits of citizens living and working there, Ethiopia’s Consul General to Somaliland said.

Ethiopia’s Consul General to Somaliland, Ambassador Shamsudiin Ahmed told The Ethiopian Herald that the diplomatic mission has set up strong collaboration with Somaliland administration and has been implementing integrated approaches to curb illegal migration and speed up safe return of citizens to home. Shamsudiin noted that diplomats in the consulate general have paid frequent visits to Ethiopian citizens that have been detained to allegedly crossing Somaliland’s borders to travel to Middle East.

Discussions were also held with Somaliland officials and consensus was reached to conduct the repatriation without the violation of human rights. According to the consul general, illegal brokers are subjecting citizens to migration by giving them false information regarding the enormous salaries and benefits they would gain from working in the Gulf Arab countries.

 He added that “illegal traffickers are deceiving citizens, and this has become a big problem concerning work permits outside of the country.” With a view to protecting the safety and security of citizens, the government blocked the movement of domestic workers to Arab countries, he recalled, adding that the new overseas job proclamation would play a pivotal role to ensure the rights and benefits of Ethiopian workers.

Citizens are also advised to follow formal channels to work in abroad. Concerning the participation of Ethiopians living in Somaliland in national issues, Shamsudiin said that the community has made continued financial support for the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and other development projects back home. Somaliland people have also made laudable contribution in purchasing GERD bonds taking in to account the dam under construction by Ethiopia meant to benefit all the stakeholders and integrate the region.

 About the two sides investment ties, the consul general indicated that there is an ever-increasing involvement of Somaliland investors in various investment projects in Ethiopia in particular in Ethiopian Somali State. Somaliland businesses primarily engaged in animal fattening and exporting activities and the modern abattoirs that have been built by the investors are exporting meat to Middle East markets thereby helping to tap the huge livestock potential in the State.

 Various incentives have been offered to encourage Somaliland investors to participate in national and state investment ventures and the Ethiopian government has provided them export incentives, customs duty exemption, income tax holidays and land in competitive lease price, he elaborated.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 19/2019


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