Ethiopia to share best practice on industrialization

• Addis to host 8th international conference on sustainable industrial area on April

ADDIS ABABA – As a country transforming its economy from agriculture to manufacturing, Ethiopia has seized a chance to display its success in industrialization to the world.

According to a Press Release from the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), Ethiopia will host the eighth international conference on Sustainable Industrial Areas (SIA) on April. EIC Public Relation Director, Mekonnen Hailu told The Ethiopian Herald that by all measurements Ethiopian industry development is sustainable. He said that transforming the sector, environmentally friendly and job creation opportunities are among the qualifications for sustainability of industrial parks.

 In recent years, Ethiopia is expanding industrial areas by building industrial parks to make the sector engine of the country’s economic development. Currently, the industrial sector is growing fast in Ethiopia in both expansion and its share for the country’s economy, he said. Mekonnen said that Ethiopian industrialization journey focuses on job creation for the youth and transforming the base of the economy from agriculture to industry considering green economy.

He said that the country’s focus on green economy makes the country an exemplary on the sector. Generally, the industrial parks of Ethiopia are focusing on sustainability by giving priority for environmental protection, job creation and development of the sector, he said. On the other hand, Ethiopia will host its first international conference on sustainable industrial areas (SIA) from 8 to 10 April 2019, according to press release sent to The Ethiopian Herald.

The eighth SIA conference will focus on industrial transformation, employment creation and environmental innovation of industrial areas mainly to shift to sustainable industrialization. The press release stated, “The SIA conference will showcase worldwide country experiences on transformation, industrial park and cluster development. In addition discussions on best investment attractions to Africa, boosting employment and talks about country approach to make industrialization in Africa sustainable.”

 Multinational companies are engaging to the industry sector in Ethiopia from across the world and still the country has untouched capacity on foreign direct investment, Mekonnen said. The conference will help the country to share its experience, to promote the sector, to attract new investors and foreign direct investment, he noted.

According to Mekonnen, there will be a site event to two Ethiopian Industrial Parks to participants after the conference giving onsite to industrial parks development in Ethiopia As a valuable platform to discuss recent trends, best practices and future developments of SIA, representatives from different companies, government institutions and international donor agencies as well as consultants will participate in the event. More than 300 delegates from across the world would participate in the three days international conference, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 16/2019


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