Smart water meter innovation gets patent

ADDIS ABABA — A multipurpose water meter, which is innovated by Ethiopian entrepreneurs gained patent. The innovator company ‘dVentus’ announced that the new water meter, trade marked as dSpirit can detect and report water contamination at its delivery point.

The technology can also offer accurate measurement of consumption without personal reader and transmits the data wireless to network and customer management center, according to the company. Engineer Helina Getachew Smart Water Meters Project Manager at the company said the technology, with a battery life estimated fifteen years, has the capability to detect leakage, reverse flow, tampering etc and transmit the data every hour to central data management office as well as the client.

It was indicated that the customer would have instantaneous access to performance, consumption, loss water quality and billing information using smart communication systems via SMS, smart phone apps or web portal.

According to the company, the pilot test, which was conducted in collaboration with the Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA), has resulted in more accurate reading while showing potential savings in terms of revenue for utility and offering significant reduction of Non-Revenue Water. Altaseb Azizew, None Revenue Water Process Coordinator at AAWSA, said the company has presented a report on the difference between the technology and the manual ones.

Though it is handy in terms of replacing the manual system, but it is very costly to change all the old meters in the City. Therefore, they are still using the former water meter and will engage the new one through process. ” he noted. Engineer Helina also noted the dVentus was listed as one of the top innovators when it featured the innovation at young start-ups ventures in New York in 2017, where top investors and companies like JP Morgan, Microsoft, Google etc have attended.

The company also created jobs for over 100 professionals and is looking to scale up to 400 permanent positions in three years time. It also gearing up for full scale production of the new water meter for local and international markets including end to end solution services, said Helina.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 16/2019


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