ETA working to ensure quality education in conflict-ridden areas

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA) announced that various activities are being carried out to ensure quality and inclusive education in conflict affected areas.

Association President and Member of the Education International Executive Board, Yohannes Benti (PhD) told The Ethiopian Herald that works are being done in collaboration with stakeholders to back students to education through renovating schools distracted during the conflicts.

As to him, students and their schools were directly exposed to difficulty in the northern conflict. In this regard, ETA contributed over 650,000 Birr to fulfill education materials such as chairs, students’ textbooks, and the like.

Yohannes further stated that lack of proficient teachers, below schools standard, education materials are serious challenges that are hindering the bringing of quality education mainly in the above listed areas in particular and across the nation in general.

Though the government has been striving to quality education, there are a number of challenges among which inadequate budget in the sector is the main one.

ETA is the board member and committee at Global Partnership Education (GPE) through representing the African continent. Being a member of GPE helps to receive education assistance from international partners who strive for quality and inclusive education for all, he added.

“Besides, ETA is hosting two conferences annually by presenting researches and findings to know the root causes of education challenges while directing relevant solutions through a hand-in-hand approach.”

Furthermore, ETA is working with local investors, international partners, government bodies, and the likes to ensure quality education and nurture competitive students at the international level.

“ETA has over 700,000 members and it has been undertaking various activities in the education arena during the past over 70 years in Ethiopia,” the association president remarked.

It is to be recalled that Amhara, Tigray, and Afar states were exposed to massive damages during the northern conflict in which a number of students dropped out for the distraction of schools.


 The Ethiopian Herald June 30/2024

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