Firm reform foothold

Ethiopia’s close to one-year young reform effort has not only received international accolade, it also mobilized adequate resources to keep itself on a firm foothold. The effort has been meant both to bring sustainable economic development and peace in the country and to standout being great contributor to the regional economic success by abating menaces relating to peace and security.

The recent two- day official state visit to Ethiopia paid by French President Emmanuel Macron can be a good case in point in this regard. The two countries agreed to cooperate on economic, financial and cultural fronts, not to mention defense collaboration. Macron broke the news of a-100 million Euro support to Ethiopia, 85 million Euro of which as concessional loan and the rest 15 million Euro is a grantto back the ongoing reform.

France globally acclaimed companies will also tap investment opportunities that Ethiopia avails France also expressed commitment to heighten defense cooperation with Ethiopia. “We value the contribution of Ethiopia to the peace and security of East Africa,” as the president said. Government’s current vision is a noble one. That is why oldest friends like France have shown keen interest to work together with Ethiopia.

 The vision is mainly to create economic benefits to citizens. But Ethiopia, as it always does, clearly understands the benefits of floating together. As a prudent actor of international peace, an experience which dates us back to the time of the Korean War, Ethiopia and Ethiopians have proven their commitment inscribing history in golden inks. That is why the French President valued Ethiopia’s role. France also contributes to international peace with its presence in the Horn of Africa, countering sea piracy. Ethiopia also fights terrorism, a confluence to the twoside cooperation.

Hence, the recent agreement signed to offering training and equipment to the defense forces could help to bring their common vision to fruition. Particularly, the pledged support to restore the naval force will help both countries to protect their economic and security interests along the Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Ethiopia had a proud naval force which was disbanded back in 1991.And the restoration of this Force could bring better hopes to Ethiopia and Africa; this is just to bring to attention that Ethiopia’s forces and their experiences flicked hopes in all peacekeeping missions in Africa.

Ethiopia is now thinking big, and acting even bigger. It is integrating with economies in the East Africa in addition to cooperation in peace and security. And the reform will give better shape to its institutions so that they could flex muscles to build strong economy that benefits mainly its people and countries in the Horn.

 Hence, the supports of France and other partners amount to the success of the reform undertakings. Peace and economic achievement in Ethiopia is tantamount to stability in the region, as the reality could prove it true. Hence, countries’cooperation already expressed with agreements signed should be translated to reality. Ethiopia should get finance and expertise, diplomatic backings,among others, now more than any time before. Many countries from across the globe cherished the reform efforts.

 States persons congratulated the new administration led by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on its swift actions that changed the political and economic landscape of the country while significantly improving peace in the Horn region. The bottom line is, therefore, the international communities supports must further be strengthened to materialize the reform, and create peaceful and prosperous Ethiopia that keeps contributing to global peace!

The Ethiopian Herald, March 15/2019

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