Consultation than confrontation

It is a common knowledge that well-functioning political parties are critical to serve the purpose of strengthening effective democratic governments.

They act as eyes and ears of the public and sustaining good governance through digging deep into and making sure that the government is executing activities in accordance to the scope of the law and the set regulations and fighting corruption. They are also responsible for creating alternative or competitive ideologies to shape policy agendas.

Hence, the availability of active, vibrant political parties is decisive to ensure accountability and transparency, address publics’ concerns, deepen democracy and at the end of the day build stronger, more democratic societies. It has been decades since Ethiopia has adopted identity-based democratic federal system with the aim to accommodate the interests of distinct ethnic groups, reduce conflicts and deal with challenges thereby maintain national unity.

And the federal system, as it is clearly stipulated in the Constitutions, Article 38, recognizes and grants unconditional rights to each ethnic group‘the right to be a member of his own will in a political organization, labor union, trade organization, or employers’ or professional associations without any discrimination.’ Following this, hence, the government has created a platform for parties to organize themselves in accordance to the set rules and regulations.

As a result, over the past few years a number of political parties, multinational and identity-based parties, are created, which was unthinkable in earlier years. This is truly an encouraging move. However, the parties to build create a mature democracy and create a rational society; they should work towards the common goal- to benefit their respective communities and realize nation’s renaissance- putting aside their differences.

To this effect, they need to develop the culture of trust and cooperation between and among parties. Intra- and inter-party dialogues are is also the other ingredients required to find solutions to complex national issues instead of confrontation and playing the game of allegations and counter allegations, However, this does not mean that all parties should bang the same drum and sing the same tune.

As they are not interwoven from the same strands and they have their own ideologies, principles, views and opinions to influence, difference is an inevitable phenomenon. They have to respect others’ ideas and reflect their own in a constructive manner with a purpose because their decisions positively or negatively affect the outcome of the political process.

Now, it is not time for political parties to see each other in suspicion and enmity and even cause repulsion toward members of the competing political party. To a certain extent, it is time to stand together for common goal accommodating differences. The ball is in the court of the people so as to make its own decisions. Thus, strengthening unity and winning the public is order of the day.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 13/2019

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