Ethiopia, Djibouti working jointly on tourism dev’t

ADDIS ABABA- Following the commencement of the newly built railway between Djibouti and Ethiopia, the number of Ethiopian tourists visiting Ethiopia is significantly increasing.

“We have seen constant rise of tourists from Ethiopia over the past two years.” said Osman Abdi Mohamed, CEO of National Tourism Office of Djibouti. “But it is insufficient.

We are striving to boost the number of tourists from Ethiopia. We will open our office in Addis Ababa next month to provide information Ethiopia, Djibouti working jointly on tourism dev’t about the tourist attractions of Djibouti to Ethiopians.”

“ Since the Ethio-Djibouti railway started operation, it has made it easy and affordable for Ethiopians to spend their holidays with families enjoying the Red Sea coasts in Djibouti, according to Yousouf Mousa Dawaleh, President of Djibouti Chamber of Commerce. Ethiopia and Djibouti are also working to conduct joint tourism marketing activities as single tourist destination. Last year, tour operators from Ethiopia have met with their counterparts in Djibouti to discuss joint marketing strategies and tourist attraction package.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 6/2018

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