Timely census for a better future of the country

 Almost every country in the world conducts census periodically as it is part and parcel of the economic and political activities. What is more important in census is that it has to be conducted as often as possible since there is a need to get timely information every time.

For more than a decade Ethiopia’s economy has been one of the rapidly growing economies of the world. The growth is likely to cause changes in the political and social landscape of the nation. So, it is easy to imagine how ardent change has been taking place in the country every year.

This change should be properly counted, studied and analyzed so as to undertake appropriate political and economic activities that can properly respond to the very needs of the people. Any activity that does not take into consideration these dynamic changes will be tantamount to a blind move. It is also difficult to say it is benefitting people properly.

Now Ethiopia is in a continuous reform. The reform needs practical statistic to be successful. It needs the information as quickly as possible.

There is no need to discuss the fundamentality of conducting census anymore as it is crystal clear to everyone. In addition to recognizing the importance of census, countries also give weight to the period of time in which the census has to be conducted. Many countries prescribe a period of five to ten years to do census. Accordingly, Ethiopia has enshrined on its constitution to conduct census every ten years. So far, Ethiopia has conducted census three times, the last one being in 2007. As per the constitution, the next census should have taken place in 2017. Yet, it has been postponed repeatedly due to the instability that the country faced in various corners.

Now the government is working with utmost commitment and preparation to execute the long awaited Fourth Population and Housing Census on April 2019. Yet, there are some complaints from some political parties and institutions asking for the delay or postponement of the census citing various reasons.

While understanding the concerns of citizens and political parties in seeking the delay, it is important to consider weighing the issue of conducting the census confronting the challenges than forfeiting the ill consequences of further delaying it.

The country needs better and up-to-date statistical data to better plan its future. Especially at a time when the country is executing large scale reform, the role of having up-to-date and reliable data is paramount. It has already been put forward. It is difficult to afford to put it off any more. Hence, all concerned stakeholders need to come to terms and work towards making the upcoming census a reality and contribute towards better future for the nation.

The Ethiopian Herald March 9/2019

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