Sinke mothers’ peace practices crucial to solve conflicts: Sudanese delegation

A Sudanese delegation, who came to Ethiopia to emulate the best experiences of country’s conflict resolution practice, said that Sinke mothers’ dispute resolution practice has greater national role beyond solving conflicts.

This was revealed following the experience sharing tour of the Sudanese delegation and the feedback they gave to program’s coordinators.

 In an exclusive interview with the Ethiopian Press Agency, Vice President of African Exporters’ President Engidaye Eshete, quoted the Sudanese delegation as saying that Ethiopians experience conflicts, but the disputes has never sustained for long. The reason behind this, as to the delegation, is related to the deeprooted conflict resolution culture of the community. “You are practicing your culture and harnessing it effectively as a means to sustain your peace.

” Most often conflicts arise in many places. However, it does not settle down or resolved easily. Thus Ethiopia’s practice in this regard, is a good lesson for Sudanese. “Not only that we want to learn it effectively, but we also will practice it,” said the President.

Specially, as the President indicated, the cultural practice of Sinke’s mothers has impressed the team members. “The culture can be adopted and used as a means to resolve African’s problem,” as they reflected their view.

Quoting Sudanese’ crew leader Prof. Mekey Hashbel, Engidaye further said that Ethiopia has its own good practices for resolving disputes culturally. The team, hence, would customize nation’s practice and will employ it at home to resolve disputes. Woinshet Hailemariam, Women, Youth and Children Director with Ministry of Culture and Tourism, for her part, said that the crew, comprised of 25 women and two men, are satisfied with their stay here. According to the Director, Sinke cultural conflict resolution mechanism has deep-rooted foundation. It averts disputes and promotes peace. This, in turn, would encourage development. Thus, it is vital to promote it.

Sinke Oromo women’s cultural conflict resolution mechanism is part and parcel of Oromo’s Geda System. The system has irreplaceable role in sustaining national peace. The reflections of Sudanese crew are the best testimony for this, as the Director stated.

Sinke is one of the cultural practices that women preserve their rights and freedom; and discharge their societal responsibilities accordingly. The system enables them to resolve a number of problems. Unfortunately, it is not well utilized.

 Currently, Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau, along with Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has been research on it so as to harness the values. As the system has vital role to sustain national peace, all concerned bodies should work to preserve and pass it on to generation. The experience sharing tour was organized by the Ethiopian Women Exporters’ Association and Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The Ethiopian Herald March 8, 2019


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