Stability, economic integration at the heart of PM’s talks with Horn leaders


ADDIS ABABA – In the past couple of days, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has been holding discussions with his Horn African counterparts on key issues of regional stability and economic integration.

As a continuation of the bilateral and trilateral talks, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed met yesterday morning to extensively discuss the source of the two countries’ dispute, according to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Both parties agreed to work together towards peace and take measures in addressing particular issues that escalated the tensions. The Prime Minister has given special attention to reconciling the differences that have emerged between Somalia and Kenya as the current Chair of IGAD.

During the official visit of President Kenyatta and Abdullahi Mohamed to Ethiopia, Abiy also hosted long consultations with each of the leaders to facilitate the first face to face discussion in a long time. The PM, together with Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed went to Nairobi to meet with President Uhuru Kenyatta and ease the tension.

Earlier, Abiy also met with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and issued a joint statement highlighting their agreement to materialize shared projects through the facilitation of their foreign ministries and other key government stakeholders in each country. These shared projects will accelerate the commitment to regional economic integration. Ethiopia has been making a concerted effort to bring peace and reconcile rivalries in South Sudan, as to the PM Office.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Nebiyat Getachew told the Ethiopian Herald that besides the issue of peace and stability, Ethiopia has been striving to play a key role in promoting economic integration in the region.

“PM Abiy’s recent discussion with the leaders of Horn African countries is part of that initiative. It is part of the diplomatic effort to maintain regional peace and stability and promote economic integration in the Horn.”Nebiyat said.

The Ethiopian Herald March 7, 2019


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