Higher education to work on Internationalization

ADDIS ABABA – As universities and colleges around the world seek opportunities to develop mutuality and beneficial relationships, it is high time to focus on internalization, said Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) and U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia yesterday.

Speaking at workshop held with a theme “International and capacity building in Ethiopia Higher Education” Minister of Science and Higher Education Professor Hirut Woldemariam said that Ethiopia has turned a corner to usher in new opportunities and path that leads to prosperity and betterment of the lives of its citizens.

“We are on trajectory of unprecedented socio-economic growth and development. What was, just two decades ago, thought to be unthinkable is now not only achievable but within our reach.” The country needs competent enough human capital in the global knowledge economy, hence, to actualize this, the Ministry has already made assessments and evaluated its journey in the education sector and decided to reform the sector.

According to her, the Ministry is working with pertinent stakeholders in laying the foundation for the shift areas that it has already identified. “I am certain the internationalization efforts could serve us as a means of achieving a better system in our higher education, quality higher education, research and knowledge production,” she noted. U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Micheal Raynor for his part said: “we are working to share best practices from the U.S.

perspective. We look to U.S. universities to help our young people develop new ideas, encounter new experiences, broaden critical thinking skills, think about their place in the world and prepare them to fill the jobs we need to keep our economy running, and innovate and bring the next big ideas to fruition”.

According to Ambassador Raynor Ethiopia is looking to a future that is fundamentally different from today, as it builds a future that is both more inclusive and more prosperaous, Ethiopian youth must be prepared to lead the way and that process can start with their universities experiences.

The prime objective of the workshop is strengthening the capacity of Ethiopian institutions to attract and develop the talent that can prepare Ethiopia’s students for the challenges they and their country will face in the future. The workshop was in attendance of over 80 public and private higher education institutions, American scholars, and Ethiopian alumni of U.S. exchange programs.

Herald March 6/2019


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