Empowering women for shared prosperity


 Of late, Amhara State organized an event, ‘Jegnit Award’ program contemporaneously to International Women’s Day to acknowl­edge the efforts of women who have con­tributed significantly in shaping the coming generation for the common good and sup­porting their respective communities.

Speaking on the occasion, Filsan Abdul­lahi, Women, Children and youth Minister, said that in the history of Ethiopia, women have been peace builders and they have paid greater sacrifice to safeguard the sovereign­ty of the nation, to sustain peace and secu­rity along with their counterparts.

Women fought for justice, peace and the su­premacy of law and contributed a lot in en­suring the development of the nation. Their heroic and selfless deeds are engraved in the hearts and minds of generation because they had paid their whole life for the good of the generation. It is a fundamental deed to ac­knowledge the efforts of women because it lets others come over and share the respon­sibilities to the next generation and engrave the value of public services in the new gen­eration.

 “I would like to recommend we (women) personally thank, all the great and wonder­ful women around us for their continued support and solidarity in every aspect of our lives. Through thick and thin, our fellow sis­ters are always around to lend a shoulder to cry, lean and stand on”

She also extended for stakeholders to strengthen the effort to concede the efforts of women and engaged at various levels of fronts.

“We need to mobilize and organize the youth as a force for change. We need to ensure that our legal instruments provide the framework for achieving full rights and benefit for women and have the desired impact at the grassroots level. We need to form strategic alliances with the media and the private sector and strengthen our col­laboration at a continental level. Above all, we need to ensure that adequate financing is available for our strategies and initiatives.”

Agegnehu Teshager, Amhara State Presi­dent, for his part said that though much had been done to ensure women befits across the board, we are still far behind the desired target. So we should have to maximize our efforts to ensure the participation of women in all platforms and be beneficial.

The State is working to ensure the benefits of women and let be part of nation building to prosperity. The recognition is influential in bringing experience that we could learn from and pass to the next chapter.

Of the recognized Ethiopia Defense Force female members who had been at the front­line and fought with courage and higher performers students from higher education graduates and junior school students and model public senior female leadership of­ficers and model rural farmers are among others.

Fatima Syed, Amhara State Oromo Special zone Jile Tumuga Woreda Women and Chil­dren affair Head, was one of the participants who took taken part at the occasion.

According to her, the acknowledgement has many rewards to all of women, because it empowers and learns from others.

Emaway Sisay from rural Kebele Gorudi­rebedla, was one of the recognized model rural women farmers who received a certifi­cate from Minster Filsan Abdullahi.

In a phone call with The Ethiopian Herald, she said: “I had mobilized the communities and organized over 17 women groups who are committed in executing various activi­ties in the Kebele. Seventeen women groups have saved over three hundred sixty thou­sand birr.

According to her, her organization borrow money for women who are interested in fat­tening cattle and engaging in small trade activities. In turn, most of the women have become productive because of the financial opportunities they gained from the organi­zation.

“Mothers are now able to send their children to school. I too have five children who can attend their schooling, she added.

On the occasion, federal and civil societies, and women structures were also taken part of the event.

The Ethiopian Herald 12 March 2021

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