Stand for regional peace, cooperation, stability

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan yesterday in Juba issued a joint communiqué on consolidating economic and political integration of the East African region.

In the communiqué, Ethiopian Premier Abiy Ahmed, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit emphasized the need to continue working together to consolidate peace in the Republic of South Sudan in all ways possible and seek to coordinate the positions of the three countries on both regional and global issues.

They also underlined the need for advancing the cause of regional integration. To that end, they agreed to task their foreign ministers and other relevant government agencies in the three countries to work out the common projects that will facilitate the attainment of the goal of regional economic integration and shared prosperity.

A day earlier before releasing the communiqué, Ethiopian Premier Abiy Ahmed and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta paid state visit to Asmara and discussed regional issues and bilateral relations with President Isaias Afwerki.

The three leaders discussed timely regional issues in a tripartite summit while bilateral matters also featured in separate meetings, according to Eritrea’s Ministry of Information Yemane Geber Meskel.

After seeing off Kenyan President at Asmara International Airport Sunday afternoon, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Isaias Afwerki accompanied by both countries’s senior officials visited development sites in the Southern region including Logo and Misilam dams, dairy farm as well as the solar system that is under construction in the area.

The Ethiopian delegation included Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, General Seare Mokonnen, Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian Defense Forces and General Adem Mohammed, Director General of National Security Agency of Ethiopia. Many believe that the Peace Pact signed between Ethiopia and Eritrea in July is having a positive effect throughout the Horn of Africa.

The normalization of ties between and among member states of the region has already opened the possibility of realizing a viable economic integration.

Eritrea and Ethiopia are finalizing a comprehensive cooperation agreement that formalizes the two countries economic relations and regulates trade and infrastructural connectivity.

The two countries have also been conducting extensive discussions on ways to institutionalize the national and border trade, port usage, custom, immigration, and transport linkages.

After Ethiopia and Eritrea leaders endorse the agreement, they would establish a joint commission that supervises the execution of accords and bilateral relations between the two countries.

It was learnt that there was a big turnout of South Sudanese welcomed Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Isaias Afwerki when they arrived in Juba yesterday.

The Ethiopian Herald March 5, 2019


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