Ethiopia is a country benefitting from an abundance of wind energy resources in every region. The Ethiopian government recognised the potential for harnessing this natural resource to help maintain economic growth through the energy sector and to become a major regional exporter of energy by diversifying electricity generation.
Located in Ashegoda near Mekelle in the Tigray region, approximately 780 km north of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, this 120 MW wind farm supplies electricity to more than 3 million Ethiopians. The powerful wind resource allows the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo), the national electric company, to produce each kWh at low cost (0,06 €/kWh).
Wind Energy Approach – Investing in Wind Energy
Ashegoda wind farm is the biggest wind farm in sub Saharan Africa, consisting of 84 wind turbines including 30 Vergnet GEV HP
1MW turbines, 54 Alstom Eco 74 turbines of 1.67 MW and an GE-Grid substation connected to the national grid (230 KV/130 MVA).
Vergnet was chosen as the wind energy provider for the project, due to the adaptability of its technology to suit the conditions of the Ethiopian countryside. With over 25 years’ experience in delivering projects within isolated environments with extreme climatic conditions and limited electricity infrastructure, Vergnet was able to adapt project specifications to meet the requirements of the site.
As main contractor, Vergnet led the management of the project with the support of the French government and with Alstom as subcontractor. Throughout the four year project, over 1,000 people of 26 different nationalities worked on the construction site and contributed to the electrification of Africa.
The Ethiopian Herald March 10/2021