The expo that connected manufacturer with buyer, experience and technology

One of the most important factors for developing mineral resources is investment in the sector. In line with this, among the activities that can attract investment in the mining sector is expo. Ethiopia is working to benefit more from the sector by organizing expo that promotes this mineral wealth and favorable conditions for developing it, brings together actors in the mining sector, and attracts foreign investment.

Last year, it held the first international mining and technology expo. This year, the second “Mintex” Expo was held in Addis Ababa at the Millennium Hall for five consecutive days from 24 – 28, November, 2023. This year’s expo is different from last year’s in many ways. Last year it was held for only three days and this year it was held for five days. Discussion papers were presented and discussions were held on various topics this year.

It has been pointed out that the expo has created great potential for the country and the parties involved in the sector. Citizens are called to develop the country’s mineral resources by joining together and establishing shares. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) said at the opening of the expo; Ethiopia is a country blessed with mineral wealth. It is possible to handover a better Ethiopia to the succeeding generation by using this mineral wealth at the desired level.

“There are wonderful mineral resources in all areas of the country,” the Prime Minister said. “If we are able to know and use this mineral resource properly, we will lay the foundation for the country’s journey to prosperity. For this reason, the government has made the mining sector one of the five sectors that it has focused on for the homegrown economic reforms.

“In the past few years, we have been trying to find out and understand whether we have mineral wealth or not. Now, even though we have not fully identified the existing mineral resources, we have come to understand that Ethiopia is a country blessed with many mineral resources,” he said.

The prime minister mentioned that the expo indicated that Ethiopia is the source of gold, precious stones and many precious minerals. Students, researchers, traders, investors and other stakeholders should understand what is happening in the sector and work to support the economy.

As to him, it can be understood that the Expo is a sector that shows Ethiopia’s mineral reserves, creates a favorable environment for exporting mineral resources and lays the foundation for the next journey of prosperity. It is where mineral producers, exporters, users, technology manufacturers and suppliers meet to promote their products and services and create connections.

Therefore, in order to reach the level of envisioned development, Ethiopian private sector should stop producing and investing individually and create a way to work together, gather knowledge and prosper. There is no problem-free way of recruitment, and it is necessary to jointly solve the problems faced in the sector to advance to the height of prosperity and handover a better Ethiopia to the next generation, he said.

Minister of Mines, Habtamu Tegegn said that the expo could create many opportunities for the country’s citizens and allowed the mineral resources available in all parts of the country to be used. It is also where the government created a great opportunity for investors to get closer with fellow investors.

He also pointed out that the expo was important to promote Ethiopia’s mineral resources. The role of investors and the private sector involved in the sector was important, and it allowed investors to look at the available resources and start working.

The minister said; “If we are not able to exploit the minerals at the required level, the country’s economic development will be in question.” To help this, he announced the establishment of the National Mining Council, which is believed to solve problems in the sector. He called on the stakeholders to work together.

More than 90 companies participated in this expo holding gold, coal, precious metals used for jewelry and industrial minerals like cement and steel and technology, Engineer Habtamu mentioned. He also announced that the expo was accompanied by conferences and gained a lot of knowledge.

He described the expo as unique in many ways. Countries with experience in the field shared their experiences, and what the country’s minerals look like. The research that indicated where they are located and how they should be developed is one of the reasons that make them unique. It is an indication of the future direction for manufacturers, investors and the government. It also enabled students and researchers to understand where the knowledge of the sector is, and it has also given foreign investors a signal as to which and where they can go and develop.

Alongside the expo, three symposiums were held and discussions were undergone. Associate Professor of Geology at Addis Ababa University of Science and Technology, Tarekegn Tadese, is one of those who presented a research paper at the expo. No need to wait for only one party to get proper benefits from the mining sector; everyone has its share, he said.

He emphasized that in the case of mining, it is necessary to work together from the individual to the community. The reason for this is that the wealth is common and both the benefit and the harm are shared. “Every job requires passion. It is not enough to say that Ethiopia is the owner of many mineral resources. After that, we should work on the development,” he pointed out.

Tarekegn said; “The work of developing the mining sector is indeed a lot of wealth; it requires skilled manpower, and technologies in the field. The government should pay special attention to this.”

Expanding technology and exploring heavily is needed more than anything else. The government is expressing its commitment in this regard. The parties involved in the sector should take advantage of this opportunity. For this reason, such expos will bring good luck if they are focused on their implementation. Therefore, he recommended that everyone should turn into work and use the mineral for the development of the country.

Elizabet Worku is among those who participated in the expo. She established a company called Roman Marble and Granite Trading and work as a manufacturer and distributor. She announced that they could understand from the conferences that the country has a lot of natural mineral resources, but it has not gone far in the utilization of these resources.

The sector can lay the foundation for the country’s economic development. She mentioned that she has observed that the sector had not been given due attention in the past, and she mentioned her own organization as an example of what kind of changes are coming in recent activities.

As to her, Ethiopia has limitations in terms of building capacity to identify and manage its mineral resources. This is evidenced by the fact that although there are many types of minerals in the country, they are being imported and used from abroad.

This affects the country as well as the trader or distributor in many ways. One is the issue of foreign currency. If mineral products are produced locally and distributors have minerals to supply to the local market, many things will be easier. The withdrawal of foreign currency will be stopped and the deposit will be normal.

Elizabet said that the attention given by the government to the mining sector will help to solve these and similar problems. It has saved foreign exchange in many ways while producing and distributing granite and lime stone in the country.

“With these kinds of expos, we have been able to create fertile ground to export. Because the expo has introduced us to importers and exporters, foreign companies and entities working in the sector,” he said.

She added; “The expo allowed us to learn work practices from others such as marble processes that we do not have and to exchange experiences; it has also enabled us to make new clients. Therefore, the expo has a special meaning for us in many ways.”

Masre Hassen, who is engaged in opal production in an organization called “Jobs for Development Opal Production Association”, said that the government has implemented the multi-economy perspective and has made the mining sector considered as one of the pillars of the economy. This is especially the case where the traditional way of production is organized to produce in the modern way or industrially; an opportunity is created to become a quality producer.

Masre said he feels that the government is working in coordination with actors of the sector to ensure benefit of the country’s mineral resources due to the special attention it has given to the sector. The mining sector needs high technology. He asked that it would be good if the support included them.

“At our current level, we are investing a lot of energy in extracting the ore. Instead, if we have the opportunity to get the technology to produce it, we can reduce many things. For example, it helps us to be able to produce in quantity and quality, and provide it to local distributors at a low price.”

He said that they know from experience that it takes a lot of investment and long time to utilize mineral resources. If not only the government but also investors pool their resources and invest in the sector and help associations like theirs, or facilitate the opportunity for them to work together, it would be good



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