Premier inaugurates Debre Birhan Industrial Park


DEBRE BIRHAN – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurated Debre Birhan Industrial Park yesterday along with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyata and President of Amhara State Gedu Andargachew.

Speaking on the inaugural event that coincided with the 123rd Adwa Victory commemoration day, Dr. Abiy called for Ethiopian to replicate the remarkable victory of Adwa to ensure peace, stability and prosperity of their country through undertaking magnificent development endeavors like Debre Birhan industrial park.

“Our forefathers were entitled historic victory at the battle of Adwa, 123 years ago just on this day. We should use this special day as inspiration to alleviate poverty and to upheld peace, strengthen unity and ensure harmony. We have to be queath our children and grand children prosperous and democratic Ethiopia,’’ he said, adding: “peace, democracy, prosperity, national unity, national prestige and justice would be the six pillars the Ethiopian government plans to implement in the coming years.’’

Beyond striving to bring into play such mega projects, Dr. Abiy has urged Ethiopians to stand together to sustain the ongoing change highly massive for economic and political development.

“There are anti-change elements who struggle to bring us back to instability and chaos. However, they will not succeed in actualizing their malicious goal. Ethiopia will come out strong and united than ever,’’ he reaffirmed.

He added, it does not mean that the absence of light warrants light. As such, a concerted effort is expected from citizens. The hand torch that Ethiopia creates must shine upwards but not downwards so that it flickers more light. Appreciating the change drive propelled by PM Abiy, President Uhuru Kenyata noted that for the actualization of the vision which aims at integrating east Africa, Kenya is very much committed.

President Gedu on his part said residents and youths of Debre Birhan must make the most use out of the industrial park built on the Angolela village found in the home town of the overarching freedom fighter Menelik II. “You should keep it as the apple of your eyes,” he added.

Industrial Parks Cooperation CEO, Lelise Neme for her part said that Debre Birhan industrial park has been laid on 1100 hectare holds eight factory shades that could create job opportunity for 13,000 people in phase one.

Upon completion both phases, the industrial park will provide job opportunity for 26,000 citizens and small holding farmers will be beneficiaries through supplying their produce for agro-processing industry to be launched under the park, according to the CEO.

The joint inaugural ceremony is said to bolster eastern African activity of integration. It was learnt similar inauguration events will be conducted down the road. It was in 2017 the project was started with 75.4 million USD, it was learned.

The Ethiopian Herald March 3,2019


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