Conducting proper census key for overall development


Ethiopia’s population is estimated to go beyond the 100 million mark. This number makes the nation the second most populous country in Africa. However, census has not been conducted since 2007. In cognizance of this fact, the government has planned to host 4th national census from April 7 up to April 28, 2019.

What would be the role of the 4th national census in political, economic and social aspects of the country? What does the preparation look like to accomplish such historic event? What are the overarching preconditions for this?

Ethiopia is ready to undertake the 4th national census using modern technology and skilled human power, said Director General of Central Statistical Agency, Biratu Yigezu.

‘‘Materials important for the census are readied for deployment in every corner of the country. We are seeing ways to conduct the election via modern and state-of-the-art equipment. Using digital technology data gathering would be accomplished in all parts of the country. It will be handled simultaneously in five languages,’’ he adds.

In the previous censuses, there were delays in pastoralist and some remote areas of the country. This would be rectified this year, according to him. Conducting proper census would be important to ensure fair distribution of economic and social institutions for all citizens, Economics Lecturer at Addis Ababa University Yakob Tamru explains. ‘‘To build infrastructural facilities like transportation, sanitation, schools, hospitals and potable water, one needs credible census data of people who dwell in a specific area. Budget and other social welfares must be allocated as per population density,’’ he notes. Adding: ‘‘the data that is going to be collected from the census will also help to predict about the future. The government would get a chance of predicting the population growth and would set controlling mechanisms.’’

Besides, undertaking proper census is important to design economic policies and strategies, according to him.‘‘Whenthe government designs economic policies, it takes the population into consideration. That is why conducting census is highly vital for ensuring inclusive, fair and rapid economic growth. Thus, the upcoming census would provide mportant information for the government to revise and outline economic policies that could be compatible the number of population.’’

As the information gathered specifies age, sex, education, occupation, economic status and other important issues, government and development partners will realize which part of the society are in urgent need of social welfare, job opportunity and other supports, according to Yakob.

Political analyst and lecturer at Mekelle University, Misgna Tewelde for his part stresses that since census results could be source of conflict, the government and stakeholders should be ready to conduct it in an impartial and transparent way.

‘‘The number of population each federal states of Ethiopia consist will be a key factor for allocating resources and parliamentary representations. States want to share the nation’s resources and parliamentary seats based on the number of people they have. Hence, undertaking accurate census could forestall disagreements and confusions,’’ he points out. Misgna expresses his concern that lack of infrastructure would be the major challenge for collecting important data in remote areas and urges stakeholders to see to necessary pre-conditions.

‘‘More than 80 percent Ethiopian people live in rural areas. Most of the people dwell in remote areas where basic transportation services are lacking. Having understood this, those who conduct the housing and people census should think how to access all areas,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, the Amhara National Movement has called for postponing the census process amid concerns related with preparedness of the government and displacement of Amhara ethnic groups in the state. However, Director General of Central Statistical Agency, Biratu Yigezu has made clear that preparations are finalized to undertake successful census and the internal displacement noticed few months ago would not be a serious challenge. ‘‘There is nothing to worry about since we have readied necessary materials and logistics which are vital for the task. The displaced people are returning to their homeland.’’

According to Central Statistical Agency, 152,000 maps have been prepared for conducting the census.

Ethiopia has exhibited encouraging economic growths over the last two decades, despite some setbacks. To ensure inclusive and fair economic growth, the number of population should be identified based on impartial census process. To carry out successful census, government bodies, civic societies, religious institutions and the public at large should work in collaboration and integrated manner.

The Ethiopian Herald March 3, 2019


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