An African pride, a headway ride: Ethiopia


‘Thirteen months of sunshine’, later altered to ‘The land of origins’ is the emblem given to Ethiopia as every human life originated from it.

The Horn of Africa is predominantly constituted by Ethiopia, the tenth largest country in Africa, bordered on the north and northeast by Eritrea, on the east by Djibouti and Somalia, on the south by Kenya, and on the west and southwest by Sudan.

Ranging from the plateau with over six thousand highest peak, Ras Dashen to the Danakil Depression, a desert containing the lowest dry point on the earth, Ethiopia is a mesmerizing state in various aspects.

It is a right now home to over 110 populations with over eighty different nations, nationalities and peoples with their respective cultures, religions, norms, vie points, living and feeding styles and so on. The big representation-Ethiopia is a sum of wholesome African state.

Flag wise, this great nation does have the one that consists of the green, yellow and red with horizontal stripes centered a five-pointed star and rays emitting from its points in the foreground over a light blue circular background. The star represents the unity and equity of the various nations, nationalities and peoples.

Having a short stay with this writer, Yeshimebet Derese, a Political Science and International Relations graduate said, “It is unfortunate and even being cursed as to me to spend too much time nagging one another citing besmirched and inconsequential issues possessing such as fabulous nation.”

She furthest said that even its citizens are not in a position to compromise on their countries affairs despite their differences regarding some issues. Yes, sovereignty and freedom are characteristics and thus symbols of Ethiopians both internally and externally.

“I am well proud of being born to my motherland-Ethiopia. It is really endowed with multifarious natural and manmade resources, tangible and intangible resource, hospitality of its citizens, patriotic gesture of its citizens ranging from little children to the aged elderly. Yes, this is Ethiopia; this is my pride, our pride. Those who would like to dare this great nation should first sign a signature of committing suicide.”

According to Yeshimebet, one is tired of listing what Ethiopia does have and provide the African Continent and the world at large with she said adding all citizens of its are expected to work hand in glove to help reach Ethiopia to the level of success it has been aspiring so far especially since the after nation of the reform following Abiy Ahmed’s (Ph.D) administration. Lack of coordination, sank sense of belongingness, contracted patriotism, worn fraternity are the only gaps that have to be bridged.

Though Ethiopia is a multiethnic state, ethnic division is cancerous for its development and prosperity unless it is properly and systematically handled to beef up fraternity and unity as it has been done for close to thirty years for diverging minor differences and fuel confrontation at the expense of brotherhood and cooperation.

As learnt from Yeshimebet, if Ethiopians are committed enough to stand together and collaboratively taps what they have at hand, surely the country becomes prosperous and inviting thereby attracting citizens of western countries inflow in search of job opportunities.

The problem is other developed countries do not want to see prosperous Ethiopia. That is why, she said, especially some countries of the world have propagated falsehood fabrications using western Media.

The good thing is no matter how irritating their fabrications are, Ethiopia continues registering remarkable achievements to seize the ladder of success in all aspects, because it is Ethiopia.

Responding to the question, what is Ethiopia for you? Tibebu Asmamaw, a taxi driver said, “Ethiopia is my mother. it is my blood, flesh and soul. It is equaled by none.”

He further explained that Ethiopia is undoubtedly a great nation with spectacular history and people-to-people coexistence, and bedecked with a mosaic of ethnic colors.

Basically, ethnic issues play a role in political life, but this does not usually result in violence as people with varied religions doctrine and worship live together peacefully and harmoniously. Ethiopia is safer than the neighboring countries, too, particularly in urban areas.

Unless politicians provoke the general public with a view to garnering cheap popularity at the expense of national integration, no people are getting in a state of rivalry.

The very key to open such a firmly closed doors is teaching the posterity about Ethiopia. Yes, if every child is coached about his/her country, they will not have a gut to accept destructive sentiments reflected by elements working against the unity and integrity of this African pride.

He also said that Ethiopia is a country which has been keeping its sovereignty intact chasing away and entombing its invaders for good. Its martyrs deeds at Gundet and Gura, Mettemma, Dogally, Adwa, among others, are eternally commemorated undertakings that have to be passed down to generation.

Generally, he said: “Ethiopia had been great, has been great and is going to be great if all citizens starting capitalizing on great idea instead of wasting time arguing about trivial and standpoints that do not bear fruits.”

In a nutshell, the very important thing that can potentially lead Ethiopia to the next level of prosperity summit is consolidating unity and fraternity among citizens and well nurturing all its resources effectively with great sense of belongingness. In so doing, it will be possible to help Ethiopia become what it has to be

The Ethiopian Herald February 25/2021

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