Ethiopia’s valiant effort in combating terrorism


 The role security institutions play is undoubtedly untold as they are considered to be the soul and flesh of a given country without which it is unthinkable to have a secured nation. These security organizations always prioritize the abortion of terrorists’ acts. Terrorist individuals or groups in this contemporary world have become more elusive and lethal than those who were present earlier this time.

In spite of its difficulty to be traced when and where the act of terrorism do emanate from, it constitutes a factual threat to human life, growth and prosperity, democracy, the rule of law and the enjoyment of human rights across the globe.

Almost no country is free from orchestrated terrorist attacks though the degree varies. If truth be told, it must be vividly refuted through prevention and suppression by every state of the world as ill-implemented counter-terrorism measures are being unproductive. Surely, terrorists are individuals or groups dissatisfied by the administration in their corresponding countries and always awake to devise mechanisms for destruction being sheltered in the society or caved in an isolated interplanetary.

 Hence, countries of the world have to time and again make their respective citizens alerted to possible terror attacks with a view to creating threat free world, unquestionably. Besides, preventive measures have to be taken in a coordinated manner and institutions have to be empowered regarding manpower.

There are indeed many countries of the world which have been used as a transit point for terrorists, a base for planning, training and financing terror maneuvers. The biggest problem, however, is the presence of government officials who would like to communicate terror operators instead of exposing them to appear before law.

Such a double face approach makes all the efforts of the world countries to combat     terrorism very vexing and testing to get its roots dried.

For instance, in Ethiopia the recently exercised reform has had great contribution to the national effort geared towards ensuring peace and serenity in the country.

Unquestionably, a number of countries have institutions and security organizations which are duty bound to take hold of the spread of terrorism and run activities against destabilizing movements. The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) of Ethiopia is the best example along this line. This institution is working day in and day out to make Ethiopia and neighboring countries free from threats of terrorism and insecurity issues.

It has collaboratively been working with international organizations to buttress peace and security locally as well as in the Horn in particular and internationally in general. Its connection with the Interpol is a case in point in this regard. Yes, strengthening international coalition matters the most as it is all the time helpful to foil terrorist acts and futile attempts at infancy.

Subsequent to the NISS scrupulous follow up and the painstakingly run serenity engagements, Ethiopia has lately arrested 15 terrorists planning to attack the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) embassy in the capital Addis Ababa.

As learnt from the National Intelligence and Security Service, the terrorist group, led by 35-year-old Ali Ahmed Adaito, who is among the arrested, was planning to attack the UAE embassy.

It was also stated that explosives, a range of handguns, modern weaponries and documents were grabbed from the house of another arrested terrorist Mohammed Abdulkedir.

It was also stated by NISS that the mastermind of the foiled conspiracy is a Swedish resident, Ahmed Ismail, had been arrested by the Swedish Security Forces. The joint effort Ethiopia and Sweden exerted is a clear manifestation of the fruitfulness of the collaboration among/between countries of the world via exchanging dependable information.

According to NISS, another terrorist group was planning to attack the UAE embassy in the capital city of Sudan, Khartoum.

As Ethiopia and Sudan have been working hand in glove with each other, the Sudanese authorities were forewarned by the Ethiopian intelligence service about the imminent peril and they managed to foil the planned attack.

From this one can easily deduce that there are two fundamental things that need to be taken into account: one, Sudan and Ethiopia’s bilateral tie can every time bear fruits if the two countries are arduously working to be well triumphant over their problems no matter how grave they are; two, moving in a coordinate manner has to be the call of the day if countries of the world are to successfully combat the negative repercussions of terrorism.

“Since the terrorist attach has had a global face, it was aborted in collaboration with international organizations. The intelligence has put under control the suspects and evidences such as, photographs of target areas, passports and fake documents, before the group undertakes the attack, these officials,” NISS officials stated.

It was also elucidated that as the plot has an international by its very nature and has link with international terrorist group, officials have to vividly reveal the details upon completion of investigations.

The role the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) played has to receive appreciation and rewards as it is seriously working for ensuring national and Horn peace and tranquility.

Since information systems have now been serve as both weapons and targets of warfare, terrorist groups can at present access global information infrastructures owned and operated by the governments and corporations they want to target.

Without a shadow of doubt, as these days the safety of the world highly depends on network infrastructures, the strategic stabbing on these systems would have indisputably shattering consequences for any country and its economy. That is why terrorist groups have easily communicated and hit the set target.

It is also undeniable fact that unless the coordinated effort of states of the world is solicited against the futile attempts of these poisonous groups, the world would all the time be at stake.

Obviously, terrorist organizations have employed the digital system as a means of communications, propaganda and psychological warfare.

It is well recognized that a number of terrorist attacks have been attempted in Ethiopia at different times in various places. For example, the terrorist attack attempted during a mass rally in support of new Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s reforms in Addis Ababa had resulted in a range of mishaps.

Since terrorism is capable of inhibiting countries’ ability to attract tourism, local and international direct investments, societal peace and security, among others, each and every nation has to exert utmost effort and consolidate coalition to effectively combat terrorist.

A number of countries can have ample opportunities to draw important lessons from what Ethiopia, through its NISS of course, is doing for the sake of coming up with terror free region.

True, Ethiopia is working to combat terrorism in a variety of ways. To mention but a few, it monitors potential terrorists, promptly identifies individuals who may be becoming radicalized and provides at-risk people and buildings with additional security, consolidates its cooperation with neighboring countries and other countries of the world such as Sudan, Norway, Russia and the likes.

In sum, all Ethiopians have to well recognize that terrorists’ acts are complicated and can claim human lives and cause huge property loss, each and every citizenry is expected to be well aware of this and report their suspicions to the police and other security bodies. Furthermore, the country itself should well cement its ties either with neighboring African countries or other states of the world towards creating terrorist free nations, if possible. In doing so, it is possible to stop extremism and immoderation in time and prevent these sentiments from growing to terrorism.

The Ethiopian Herald  9 February 2021

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