Foreigners laud Ethiopians’ cordiality


 Among the religious anniversaries in the country, Epiphany known as Ethiopian Timeket is the colorful one which draws numerous celebrants that come from the four directions of the globe. In this regard, hospitality is the salient characteristic feature of Ethiopians.

Living harmoniously, accepting guests, forging friendly relationships, helping one another and the like is the overarching behavior of citizens across the nation. Therefore, citizens portray a sense of belongings to family members when they come from different directions of the world.

As Ethiopia has own calendar, like epiphany, many festivals have been uniquely hosted at different times and in different places. During the festival, citizens become frolicking individuals depending on age classification.

Young boys sing cultural songs and most of the time the girls chant hymns, while elders walk slowly and play with one another.

 Although, Epiphany is mainly celebrated by The Orthodox faithful, followers of other religions help the former to mark the occasion colorful.

Very recently, citizens have just celebrated the yearly colorful festivals-Timket. However, the day was unique in the ancient historical city of Gondar as the 44 arcs graced the occasion and blessed the congregants.

The pictures above depict foreign visitors attending the Epiphany festival in Gondar. As depicted in the first one, foreigners beautified with Ethiopian costumes are seen holding Ethiopian flag. Such a custom is common especially during weddings and the like.

Foreigner adults of gender mix are seen attired cultural dresses of Ethiopia somehow in a similar style to the local community. Encircled by the congregants, they also display an uplifted mood that signals they are contented by the hospitability of the community.

Particularly, a young boy holds an umbrella for the guests. Another one is seen tying his  head by a long and narrow turban flag. It indicates that the residents there have a long history of love towards embracing guests.

Similarly, the second picture shows visitors with shiny faces. The woman is adorned by a cultural dress. This tells that they have become happy and pleased by the warm welcoming ceremony. On the other hand, a stander by boy looks them with admiration; he wonders why they are very happy. In this regard, the man had a camera to record travel story, to photograph, to do research promoting the country’s culture in general.

On the other hand, local people are not seen standing in front of the visitors; rather they are seen standing behind them. Such a trend indicates that the community gives priority to foreigners and protecting guests is taken the duty of hosts.

Living for others, showing love, displaying forgiveness, and expressing gratitude, among others, are the central spotlight of the local community in particular and nation in general. This is a virtue they obtained from the blessing of God.

The Ethiopian Herald January 27/2021

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