Time for eying at rebuilding Tigray state


The country hosted two antagonistic ideas especially for the last six or so months: one, as the term of the federal government quit, no decision extended to all regional governments was effective; two, state’s constitutional interpretation and election holding was absolutely illegal; hence it must refrain from doing illicit and unconstitutional deeds and is obliged to participate in the upcoming national elections.

Officials of the northern state insisted that it was their constitutional right to run polls stating the illegitimacy of the federal governments as it deliberately postponed the elections merely to prolong time for administration. The federal government in turn rejected state’s allegations and all rounded steps as it has breached the constitution.

In spite of federal government’s recurrent trial to avoid military confrontation over the election standoff, Tigray state political elites were pampering for a fight.

The federal government officials additionally indicated that the election could justify a range of punitive measures against the region, which could bring the parties to blows. Such measures could also provoke state leaders into triggering constitutional secession clauses in response to what they see as a steady erosion of their self-rule rights within Ethiopia’s federation.

As time went by, given the seriousness of the issue, a number of Ethiopian officials, elders, religious leaders, celebrities and others sought to coax the parties away from conflict.

However, a war broke out and a range of life claiming and property damaging scenarios have been recorded after a long squeezed and firmly twisted tension.

Plus, all things turned upside down as Tigray state officials turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the all-encompassing effort to get sources of conflict dried.

It is quite inevitable that whenever war breaks out, there is life claimed, property damaged and people displaced. This is what happened to the northern part of Ethiopia following the stubborn stance of the state government in all aspects.

Needless to state, the federal government and Tigray region were edging toward confrontation over a number of disputed issues and other unlawful actions carried out in the state refusing the streamlined order cascaded from the federal government to all regions. To think and rethink over the issue, state officials were pleaded to stop conducting elections, quit preparing for clash and aggravating dispute and come to the right track to capitalize on a common goal with a view to building a prosperous nation.

Taking all this into account, The Ethiopian Herald had a very short stay with Dr. Aregawi Berhe, Tigray Democrartic Party Chairperson and talked about some crucial current issues.

According to Dr. Aregawi, undeniably, the prime minister and other concerned bodies gave serious consideration to a dialogue aiming at resetting conflicts with the Tigray state and ironing out bitter divisions among supporters and opponents of both sides. The state was already outside of reeling from more deadly unrest and chaos especially after the law enforcement operation, it is now been rebuilt using all means.

This is the best time to rebuild Tigray state and rehabilitate our fellow citizens. Unquestionably, a number of infrastructures were destroyed, many people were displaced and a range of properties have been set on fire apart from life claiming on both sides following the operation.

The experience of recent years has also led the Tigray state to focus, as never before, on rehabilitating and peace building efforts with a view to reducing the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict, in the state in particular and in the country in general, by strengthening national capacities for conflict management, and to lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development.

“Rehabilitating the state and building lasting peace in war-torn societies is among the most daunting challenges, of course. State rebuilding and citizens rehabilitating as well as peace building requires sustained support for national efforts across the nation. Helping organize and monitor activities of the interim administration as well as supporting justice and security sector reform is of an incomparable measure to be taken that helps come up with new Tigray state,” said Dr. Aregawi.

Recognizing the fact that the Tigray state needs to better anticipate and respond to the challenges of displacement and other related challenges, the federal government is working day in and day out in all aspects.

In the effort geared towards rehabilitating the state, the federal government has taken the lions’ share. Yes, it is mandated to bring together all relevant actors to advice on the proposed integrated strategies for post conflict peace building and recovery; to marshal resources and helps ensure predictable financing for these activities; and to develop best practices in collaboration with political, security, humanitarian and development actors.

“We have to move in unison and exert utmost effort employing all possible means in order to remedy all the destruction in the state. Those who were displaced from their localities have to be rehabilitated, the infrastructure damaged has to be reinstated, and all the civil servants who are willing to continue running activities with the interim administration and wholeheartedly support the effort driven towards state rebuilding have to well be eyed at. In doing so, it could be pretty possible easily ensure political stability, institutional capacity and the scale and nature of interventions required,” he added.

Apart from the effort of the federal government, all states have to be no board to rebuild the Tigray state as the progress and change of one spillover to the other and the summation gives a big national picture. Not only gives a combined effort towards rehabilitation and development a relief operations, but it also provides the country in general and the state in particular with unwavering base for future change. In simple terms, as the sole effort of the government could hardly address all the mishaps, the coordinated effort of all citizens of the country at different regional states is badly required, he said.

According to Dr. Aregawi, contestant parties, which are working in the state are now well participating in the process of rebuilding the Tigray and sharing a number of responsibilities to effectively discharge their respective responsibilities in their state.

“We will see the situation when the upcoming election is approaching, but for the time being there is no hard time given to us, we are actively take part in all activities to rebuilding endeavors as priority should be given to the reconstruction effort,” Dr. Aregawi added.

According to him, “The political landscape is now made widened. Hence, we all are expected to prepare ourselves for the credible election. We all are expected to engage in enhancing human rights protections, fostering reconciliation after past atrocities and building a great nation making synergy in all aspects.”

As to him, although there is no single formula for all situations, in our experience, a number of factors can help create a context that is conducive to credible, fair, free, democratic elections.

Additionally, it is important to initiate broad dialogue processes, adopt the electoral rules through dialogue based on broad political consensus, enhance the inclusiveness of an election as well as accredit the full participation of ostracized yet politically relevant groups to build a democratic nation.

“Accentuating the responsibility of political leaders to engage in peaceful, constructive behavior and to refrain from incitements, threats, unfounded allegations, and disengagement from a process is an important factor contributing to a successful electoral process in the country,” Dr. Aregawi underscored.


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