Eritrean cultural troupe showcases stronger bond with Ethiopia : MoFA

ADDIS ABABA- Beyond showcasing Ethiopians and Eritreans’ inseparable bond , the outstanding performance of Eritrean Cultural and Musical Troupe has given special impetus for the exemplary and stronger diplomatic relations between the two countries, said Nebiat Getachew, Spokesperson of Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the final concert the Eritrean Cultural Troupe Thursday, the spokesperson told The Ethiopian Herald that after two decades of animosity, the musicians and artists have staged for the first time their great works in the presence of multitudes drawn from all walks of life at Millennium Hall.

As to him, apart from featuring musical and cultural shows, members of Eritrean Public Diplomacy exchanged views with residents of Bahir Dar, Adama and Hawassa towns.

Asked whether or not an exchange visit would be made by Ethiopian Cultural Troupe, Nebiat said he does not know the exact day, but the troupe would leave for Eritrea soon for similar purpose.

Regarding the ongoing efforts of formalizing the two sisterly countries’ relations, he indicated that the joint technical committee have been actively engaging in the matter and will soon come up with the detailed cooperation plan.

In a similar vein, Egypt Ambassador to Ethiopia Osama Abdel Khalek tweeted : ‘’It felt terrific attending the Addis Ababa concert by Eritrea cultural troupe. Music, art and cultural celebration of the restored peace & reconciliation between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The bond between these two great peoples will make peace sustainable reality.”

Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr.Workneh Gebeyehu and his Eritrean counterpart Osman Saleh as well as Presidential Advisor Yemane Gebreab and other dignitaries graced the event.

The Ethiopian Herald February 23/2019



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