Does pretending pay off?


There is a golden saying goes, “A boss for everyone should be their work.” The actors appointed to simply look into the activities of others under their supervision must unquestionably come second. This is a wonderful attitude by with which everyone has to comply.

However, in most cases, with exceptions of course; workers or employees of organizations, who predominantly belong to the public organizations, have been observed most of the time pretending, not working. These employees or workers have had dual personality perhaps emanates from two fundamental spheres: either lack of capacity or knowledge to deal with their respective engagements or reluctance phobia, in which they are rotating around their won orbit getting their duty and responsibility aside merely counting pay day.

In simple terms, they look hardworking and diligent whenever immediate bosses are around, but in the absence of bosses or the ones whom they fear to get their activities audited have grudgingly lagging the change and progress of their respective company or organization in particular and their country in general behind. This sentiment is cancerous for the development and growth of a country if rationally treated.

If truth be told, work is life as it helps individuals hit mainly three targets: it helps win daily bread, lead life making a living; second, it helps people get mental satisfaction as the ones who pass time idly would have a wider opportunity to develop trauma stemmed from stress and third they would have ample opportunities to have work experience by which they can easily join another workplace related to their profession or related discipline. A number of exemplary aspects can be cited in this regard as too many sector offices full of governmental employees have almost endlessly encounter such an unproductive sentiment among workers.

Though numerous public institutions are suffering from workers obsessed with pretending approaches, this writer had better cite the place where he practically faced.

Here is the story. I happened to a certain secondary school a day ago around twenty-five past ten in the morning to visit my nephew and provide him with the necessary requirements which I pledged to offer earlier. Having asked the guard where the teacher’s staff is located, I was referred to a certain office to easily meet the student I was looking for.

As soon as I arrived, the staff, I encountered three teachers in the room talking about high cost of living, current political situation and the way forward just reflecting their own speculations. It was the time the second period should have been conducted. However, the three persons continue talking citing unnecessary details setting their engagements lopsided.

Burning inside, I calculatingly uttered a word, “Isn’t it time to conduct class?” because the bell rang a bit later I entered their staff. Besides, I saw them getting ready to go to class as their respective students waited for them enthusiastically, there should be a teacher in the class, if not, for that matter.

The one with a bald head said, “It doesn’t go beyond limit,” literary in Amharic, local language, ‘Keliku Ayalfim.’ What does it mean? I was very much annoyed and directly went to the office of the unit leader asking someone outside the three ones where is it located.

Fortunately, let me say luckily, I found him at office and asked him “What period is it right now?

“The second period,” he replied smilingly.

Don’t those people in the teachers’ staff have class now, if this is so, they  can…otherwise….I moaned.

 Following my info, he went to the board to have a look at which class is lacking a teacher. I saw him automatically ran to the staff and pushed the aforesaid teachers to conduct class, I think they deliberately attempted to miss it as the expense of their fellow citizens. He furiously expressed his feelings upon their reluctance to serve the posterity.

Their response was also very much prompt. I heard the two teachers saying, is he a spy to showcase our recklessness?, while they were going to the building comprising classrooms?

This is a spoonful example from an ocean-wide scenario as there are numerous examples in this regard, you name it.

People of developed  

 countries have established a good working culture and helped their respective nations to the level they are right now. Whatever the pay may be, people have to be committed and well diligent to effectively discharge their respective responsibilities.

As stated from the outset, an immediate boss of someone should be their work as playing ‘hide and seek’ in life has incurred an unbearable cost. Yes, the ideology of an organization is what constitutes its work culture.

It is well recognized that an optimistic ambience can make or mar people’s performance, be it school, university, public sector office or any sort of workplace. No matter how meager their pay or get outcast people are, they are expected to deal with their engagements as properly as possible exploiting their capabilities, creative skills and knowledge. Time will come if reservations click their mind.

Obviously, we have to understand that a positive work environment impacts the way workers think, act and reflect upon their engagements.

Let me exhort my case urging all citizens be they are running activities in public or private institutions to be people of their oaths during graduation, if they are graduates, if not no problem, to effectively discharge responsibilities and firmly consider their work ‘their boss’

The Ethiopian Herald January  9 /2021

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