AMISOM to tackle mission’s fuel supply challenges


ADDIS ABABA- The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is making a review that aimed to mitigating challenges that the Mission has been facing. In an e-mail interview with The Ethiopian Herald, AMISOM Public Information at Mogadishu reported that AMISOM Engineer Andrew Alele explained the objective of the review as expand logistical support to troops. The Engineer said, “Fuel supply is a very important product in mission support,” noting that the review is critical in the implementation of the new Concept of Operations (CONOPS).

The CONOPS, approved by the Military Operations Coordination Committee (MOCC), will guide AMISOM’s activities and operation during the 2019-2021 periods. And the MOCC brings together Chiefs of Defense Staff and designated representatives of troop and police contributing countries, Federal Government of Somalia, UN, development partners, and AU Peace and Security Council, he detailed.

Deputy AMISOM Force Commander in charge of Support and Logistics, Maj. Gen. Maurice Gateretse, on his part said that the review also deals with addressing the gaps in the fuel supply chain which were identified during the sector commander’s conference held in Mogadishu in November 2018.

Maj. Gen. Maurice recalls some of the topics discussed at the conference such as fleet management, vehicle maintenance, electronic fuel management systems, fuel consumption and concept and investigations among others indicating the focus they need.

The review of logistical support to the troops includes all the six AMISOM sectors, he noted.

AMISOM appreciates the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) and other development partners for their support to the AU Mission.


The Ethiopian Herald February 22/2019



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