Junta’s attack,its aftermath on Abel


He goes by the name Abel Kasahun. He is a handsome boy whose general appearance tells he will be a successful man in the future. Recently, together with members the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) he was suspended for more than a month by the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF’s) junta.

Abel suffered and underwent grueling times in his formative years surrendering to the atrocious group. This act was illegal as it is an abuse of child right.

Abel’s father is a solider. His mother has three children but she is incapable to care and feed them. Hence, she had abandoned Abel in a nearby police station six years back while he was four.

When the Northern Command of the 23th Division headed to Shiraro in Tigray State for mission following the treasonous attack by the Junta, they legally took Abel from the police station. The army is known for helping people in need of assistance in every corner of the country. It is always the pride and confidence of its people.

When the TPLF junta launched an attack on 3 November 2020,Abel was in Shiraro camp where he too became a victim together with the ENDF. It is painful to listen from the horse’s mouth about the incident. He recalls about what happened to the minutest detail— his feelings and how he stayed with the soldiers. Estranged from his family, it was very hard for him to withstand the challenges.

“That night created a dark spot in my life,” he said. “The TPLF junta opened fire on our camp with heavy weapons. I was terrified to take a move since there was a gunshot everywhere.” Nowhere to hide he went to the soldiers, it was very heartbreaking. “I couldn’t control my tears,” he said. But the Juntas did not do what they did on the soldiers. But it didn’t hesitate to hold him captive.

Thanks to God, Abel succeeded in running off. He started the challenging journey by his own. Bread a day was his ration. He was walking from 50 up to 70 kilometers. He kept moving hiding himself in the nearby harvests whenever he got terrified by gunfire on his way. Unfortunately, Abel fell sick due to the difficulties and hunger.

As he lost his shoes he was compelled to walk barefooted. Therefore, he sustained foot injuries. Thanks to God, he finally joined the rest of ENDF’s soldiers who retreated to Eritrea.

However, life was not stable there too as the disarrayed soldiers were coming back regrouping for retaliation against the Junta. For want of permanent camp, this thing exacerbated challenges on Abel’s life since.

Deducting from their salary the ENDF’s members have been supporting him for his food, clothing and other necessities to fulfill his basic needs. The members of ENDF had assigned a solider that follows Abel’s safety. As witnessed by many, the kindness of the army and its sacrifice are indispensable to rescue citizens and the state from destruction.

Passing through various difficulties, the army ensured the safety and security of Abel and enabled him to see this day.

He is now 10 and a grade four student. Though he hadn’t spent time with his peers, he did get what he wanted from the ENDF. The 23th Division afforded him a joyful life. He perceived the soldiers as his family. And they are everything to him. They are the only one to fulfill his needs.

Today, he has become one among the top ranking students in his school. As a high scorer student, he is the top ranker in his class and the second best from the whole school.

He learnt perseverance and patience in his young age. As such he experienced stamina. He is a disciplined and clever student. Looking at his ethical and moral strength one can easily surmise that Abel will be a successful man in the future. And Abel has a passion to pursue that dream. Beyond that, his ambition to lead the ENDF is yet to come.

The Ethiopian herald December 30/2020

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