Tigist Mamo a passionate wordsmith

Tigist Mamo Birhane is one of the gifted young Ethiopian wordsmiths. Poet Tigist believes that like other genres of literature penning down poems presupposes a gift. She believes it is innate. Well, one can nurture the talent in schools or colleges but if a given poet is not gifted his/her words would lack power to crack open the heart of listners or readers.

Tigist strongly believes that the spirit of poem had taken a foothold in her soul when she was a little girl. “I do not exactly know when I started to write poems. What I know is that it has become part and parcel of my life. Universities or schools might have taught me techniques of writings but the seed was embedded in my heart from the beginning.”
Words in the eyes of Tigist: Words mean a lot to all wordsmiths. Author-poets might use their own distinct style of writing. But, words are the common things they share. But, it does not mean that all poets have the talent to use the same word with the same taste and the same intensity. Depending on the experience and the gift of that particular writer, words might vary.

For instance, I use strong words when I write poems. There are other wordsmiths who use simple words that have the talent to play with them systematically. For instance, Epherem Seyum is one of such young poets whose talent I admire. He uses simple words but the way he plays with them proves very impressive. He knows how to twist words.
Therefore, what I can say is that depending on the character or the style of the writer words have their distinct meaning and function. We all have our own unique challenge. I cannot judge that this is best and that one is bad.

What is more, it is my belief that a good poet is the one who can coin a new meaning with the already available word or reinvent new word out of the existing one. I have a lot of experiences in this respect. Whenever I write poem I might face some words which are not easy to twist. It is at such moments, I bring into play neologism out of the existing one. Here, it must be noted that poets do not write to invent new words. The word and the mood itself create that word.

Politics and poem: Poets have the power to influence the public and officials in power. In the past, it was common for political leaders (Kings) to send individuals to spy what a shepherd has said. If the shepherd has passed along a satiric idea in his poem while herding, it is considered as the voice of the majority. These days, poets have same power to influence the public. They may not fight in battlefields holding gun but they are invisible warriors behind the curtain. Those who have integrity fight for justice and democracy. Using words they can easily influence politicians. In this regard, poet Tigist and others have demonstrated their commitment in fighting all forms of injustice in various stages. Despite all the hassles and threats from security forces, they have fought for justice through their artistic works.

According to Tigist, many were times when poets like herself received warning letters from security forces not to present poems that lampoon politicians and may ignite violence. However, that did not hamper them from reflecting their views in various stages. “Well, as a human being we may harbor fear. But, artists should always stand for justice not for their belly,”She said

It is my firm belief that poets or any artist should not be instruments for tyrant governments . They should not help conceal the bad deeds of politicians for the sake of getting personal benefits. With all challenges and threatening they should stand by the side of the mass and ensure justice. Citizens give ear to artists. In this regard, I feel that I have at least contribute my share by fighting maladministration, undemocratic practices.
Art and women: Being a mother and mom in one hand and a poet on the other hand are the most difficult thing in our society. No matter how the time has changed people still consider women as inferior and lack something. But I feel God created both men and women equal.

In our culture it is not easy for women to enjoy art equally with that of men. By its nature poem needs space and freedom. Women poets have extra burden at home. They do not have free time to read or to think. This is not only for married women. It is for all. But, the problem will became serious when a poetess gets married and give birth. No matter how strong she is, no matter how a tending husband she has got, our culture does not give her the kind of freedom she needs to have. Men poets have an advantage over women poets,saddled with domestic chores on top of tasks they tackle at their respective offices.

They can hide themselves at home for weeks or months to have time with their soul.
Tigist said that despite all the challenges she has found a niche as a poet. In this regard, the role of her late mother was key. According to Tigist, her mother- Berhane- was her role model. She was everything for her. As opposed to the usual trend,it is to attribute credit to her mother Tigist uses appended her mothers name Birhane as her last name. Unlike most Ethiopian mothers who are the prisoners of traditional thoughts against women Tigist`s mother was always by the side of her daughter.

She is famed for her poem “Where are the missing pages?” hinting that the media is touting about development and growth while many were languishing under a corrupt government that made few billionaires. Against the teeth of security people she dared to expose the reality in Ethiopia in this poem of hers. As such she has played a prophetic role. Another poem lauds a detainee saying it is us not you who is detained because you have boldly expressed your point.

Another poem shows the maximum satisfaction an artist could derive from bringing into life artistic pieces even if s/he is broke.
The way Tigist paints her childhood days not forgetting the minutest details is also wonderful.
Also her works afford readers a things from the fair sex perspective.



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