ADDIS ABABA – Contending political parties that have been legally operating in Tigray State expressed desire to work together with interim government.
Tigray Democratic Party (TDP) Secretary Gidena Medhin said that his party has a desire to work with political parties with similar ideological lineup to forming coalition.
Recalling that TDP has already begun discussion with some political parties operating in Tigray State, he adds that the party has now excellent relations with Arena, Asimba and Prosperity parties at Federal and State level.
As to him, the top priority of the party is serving the people but not receiving service from the people as Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF Juna) did through terrorizing the people, enforcing them to do what it wished for the past last 30 years.
“As a party, we pursue social democracy ideology which distribute justice and bring the public to development and expand the political space which was locked for contending political parties before.”
So as to empower the public, we will take part to make the upcoming election democratic, free and fair as well as getting acceptance of all parties. The party strives to respect individual rights that are stipulated
in the constitution and it will play significant role so as to enable the public to enjoy democratic and human rights.
When TPLF Junta hold power, no one have the right to express him/herself or hold his own opinion as well as scamper sundry ideology, let alone conducting demonstration so as to protest the state government.
Being part of the interim government, the party has a plan to ensure peace, stability in the state and facilitate conditions to repatriate the displaced people due to the law enforcement operation.
Indeed, Ethiopia is a country of the youth which is good opportunity to bring sustainable development. But, we have to know how to use the power of the youth properly.
Because of treacherous situation in Tigray State, the youth had been forced to leave the state so as to gain jobs. However, members of TPLF junta sent their children abroad for better education. They instead offered low qualify education for the rest of the citizens in order to make them quit their education and join special force.
“Using the youth, we will reform the Tigray State and contribute greatly in the process of building the future of Ethiopia.”
The youth should know and understand the behavior of TPLF junta as it was the cause of chaos in Tigray. The youth have to receive the reform as a window of opportunity to build democracy, socioeconomic change, and fair wealth distribution.
Dori Asgedom, Asimba Political Party Chairperson said his party already accepted the directives forward to contending political parties based in Tigray and is willing to discharge its responsibility for the overall benefit of the state.
Primarily, the party, together with other parties based in Tigray, works to stabilize the people in Tigray to relieve the tremendous socioeconomic hurdles observed, he said.
Indicating that the Ethiopian military forces have already taken full control of the state, he called on the militia men to continue disarming themselves and move peacefully.
The state has lofty social tribulations which exposed the people to extreme poverty, disease, and displacement. That is why the people Tigray need due emergency assistance apart from rehabilitation tasks.
The people of Tigray should receive the interim government as it is a great step towards to install peace and development until the upcoming election will be carried out. Apart from receiving law and order, the general public should tip information and stand by the side of them until the situation in Tigray is getting better.
The party will have a plan to participate in the upcoming election as the interim government will serve the State for the time being. “In so doing, we will contribute our share for the creation of peaceful, soothe as well as prosper Tigray State.”
The Ethiopian herald December 19/2020