Tigrian sacrificed their lives for better future, not for the junta


 After the law enforcement operation hit its target, the government together with the people is doing its level best to provide humanitarian support to Tigray State. As it was recently indicated by the government, the public service giving institutions- water, Telecommunication and electric services have already started their operations and all the humanitarian services are being provided to the State.

By taking into consideration all the damages caused by the TPLF junta, the government along with international humanitarian organizations is working persistently to fill all the gaps in the Tigray State.

In exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Ministry of Peace Early Warning and Proper Solution Director, Migbaru Ayalew, said that “After the law enforcement operation, the government did not waste single minute to rehabilitate the Tigray State. This is a good indication how the government is committed enough to create a stable and peaceful lifestyle.”

Concerning psychological help and other supports, Migbaru Ayalew said, the Ministry of Peace is doing its level best. According to him, after the law enforcement operation hit its target, life in the State has resumed. The society together with the Defence Forces is working in harmony for sustainable peace. The people and the Defence Forces are leading a smooth life now. This is a good indication how strong their bondage is.

The TPLF propaganda might have caused some kind of stress in the mind of the society. However, within short period, they have started leading a normal life and they are witnessing how wrong the propaganda  of TPLF junta totally was.

As part of its effort to bring stability and sustainable peace to the public, the government is also undertaking discussion with different members of the society. What is more, in areas where damage is observed, the government, in cooperation with humanitarian organizations, is providing all the necessary supports.

 Ministry of Peace and other humanitarian organizations such as UN Office, Red Cross and other international organizations are delivering all necessary help.

Despite the fact that TPLF junta was perished, some individuals and irresponsible media had been talking that Mekelle- which was the strong hold of TPLF junta- is still a war zone. To tell the truth, this is entirely far from reality. Peace is priceless not only for Tigray people, but also for all humankind. Their past experiences have shown them the true meaning of war. They know the negative aspects of war and all the costs it entails. For this reason, they are always willing and ready to pay all the sacrifice for peace.

Like other members of the society, residents of Mekelle are peace loving people. They are hardworking ones who love to see their city more stable and develop. For that reason, they are working together with Defence Forces to keep their city stable and peaceful.

Members of the Defence Force that station in the area are well acquainted with the life style of the people. On matter how TPLF junta has tried to distort the positive social relationship of the Tigran people and the Federal Defence force, the community and the Defence forces have now kept the previous smooth social bondage.

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