Citizens’ interest in getting safe, quality, efficient health treatment

Hewan Yeseph, a resident at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is suffering from ‘stroke’, a non-communicable disease which is commonly caused by high blood pressure. Life is becoming too difficult for her because she could not get the right drugs from any of the public pharmacies she checked in. “I could find the drugs from private pharmacies, yet the price is double when compared with the public pharmacies,” she noted.

One of the clients of public pharmacies’ in Addis Ababa told The Ethiopian Herald that there is a problem in getting a drug for ‘diabetes’ patients in the country. He himself is in trouble because the response for drug request in most of the pharmacies is not pleasing. As a result, he is left with no choice but to take the medications inappropriately for there is imbalance in supply and demand of some drugs.

Meanwhile, Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) Director General Dr. Ebba Abate said the institute is putting forth efforts on providing medical laboratory facilities and drugs for all public hospitals and pharmacies to give quality health service for the society. But still full service is not being delivered for the society because there is a big limitation in providing laboratory inputs and supplying of drugs.

Yet the institute has made different researches to reduce scarcity of drugs. Currently the institute has recognized 10 products which are helpful for providing herbal medicine for the society. Moringa leaf is one of the findings of local herbal medicines, which can be used to treat blood pressure and diabetes.

These herbal medicines are also helpful for increasing plants productivity like ‘Amaranths’ and preventing animal disease like rabies which can give solution for both the harmed person and dogs. And Ministry of Innovation and Technology has approved patent for these ten products. Yet they are on clinical trial for more accuracy and they need producers to invest on them.

On the other hand, EPHI has accomplished construction of 13 medical laboratories in regional cities, in addition to the 12 laboratories which are under construction in all government hospitals at Addis Ababa. As a result, members of the society who are found both in rural and urban area of different regions are not supposed to come to Addis Ababa traveling long distance to get their medical service.

As the report of Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA) shows, the authority is responsible to control illegal activities which have been seen at selling and producing drugs. In this case, it has prevented more than 30 different types of drugs that were under process to be transited illegally to Ethiopia with the Ethiopian Airlines passengers by the last six months in collaboration with the Federal Police Commission and the Ministry of Revenues.

Perhaps, this illegal drug has political, economic and social effect had it not been discovered by security members. Reducing foreign exchange of the country, spreading corruption, death of productive youths, family loss and divorce are some of the harsh effects of illegal drug mobilization.

Ayalnew Melese, General Director at the Central Ethiopia Branch Office and Gezahegn Indale, Drug Inspection Director at EFMHACA on their joint press conference held last week announced that the society should refuse these illegal acts and should report for the security forces when they observe such activities across the country. Similarly they asserted that the society should take the necessary caution while buying drugs and not without doctors’ prescriptions.

Inline with the effort to address drug smuggling issues, it was indicated that a Proclamation that prohibit Smoking at public areas, alcohol advertisement on any of Broadcasting Medias and selling alcohol for youths who are under the age of 21 was ratified by the House of People’s Representatives on Tuesday on 5th February 2019, which is significant for the society to keep their health.

Mikiyas Zenebe resident at Addis Ababa, told The Ethiopian Herald that the approval of proclamation that prohibited to advert alcohol in any of broadcasting Medias in Ethiopia has a great advantage for the society especially for teenagers. More or less, the advertisements force the youths to start drinking alcohol because of their persuasive presentation.

He also appreciated the law that prohibit selling alcohol products for teenagers despite his doubt on the implementation. The government should be series on the realization of the ratified proclamations, especially this is a big issue for saving the productive youths, he commented.

Megersa Girma, Alcohol and soft drinks wholesaler in Addis Ababa on his side appreciated the ratified proclamation by the house of people representatives last week despite it will have negative impact on the market. For him, it is obligatory to give due attention for the society’s need rather than individuals’ as the saying goes “The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts”.

So far the government’s commitment for approving such proclamations is commendable, he added. According to him, the substantial duty ahead of the government is the implementation. There should not be any hindrance on the implementation. Serious measurements must be taken on those who violate the rules. Most of all all health workers need to stay committed in offering safe, quality and efficient health treatment for the society.

The Ethiopian Herald February 23/2011


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