Ethiopia, Morocco: Strategic partners in Africa

Ethiopia is considered as a strategic partner for Morocco, regarding its important regional position and its role in sustaining peace and stability in the region of the Horn of Africa. The reforms in the economic sector are encouraging the private sector to settle their business in Ethiopia, which is nowadays attracting more and more the attention of the Moroccan companies. Ethiopia also provides a very attractive market and its Government’s policy of reforms is creating conditions to favor economic development, including through more foreign investment.

Among others, the fields of renewable energy, logistics, and education, etc., in which the Kingdom of Morocco has accumulated huge expertise, are also set to boost bilateral ties between the two countries to illustrate an African model in the SouthSouth cooperation.

According to the statement sent to The Ethiopian Herald, the feast of the throne in Morocco is a day held on 30 July, as one of much rejoicing and festivity. While the Royal Palace hosts the primary festivities, the many cities, towns and villages spread across the country also make sure not to miss out on the joy. On this very special Day, His Majesty the King usually addresses the nation at some point during the festivities.

The current COVID-19 pandemic makes this year’s celebration special. Due to the global health crisis, it has been decided to postpone all activities, festivities and ceremonies planned on this honorable occasion. But, it is still an annual moment for Morocco to enumerate numbers of achievements that the Kingdom has reached over the past years, under His Majesty’s wise Leadership.

As an emerging African power, Morocco has given more attention to its partnership with Africa, especially through initiatives in South-South Cooperation. In this respect, Morocco, being an African reference in the Agricultural sector, shares with many African countries knowledge, know-how, experiences and lessons learned, further contributing to achieving food security in Africa, by supporting sustainable agricultural production in order to benefit local farmers.

With the Ethiopian Government, Morocco is proud to establish a strong partnership in the field of Agriculture, through the OCP Company, mainly in the fertilizers supply and expertise sharing.

His Majesty’s 2016 visit to Ethiopia was a historic moment in the bilateral relations between the two countries. It allowed the signature of 12 Agreements, which include the MoU to set a factory for fertilizers production, named Dire Dawa Fertilizer Complex. Aiming to be a model in the SouthSouth Cooperation, the plant is set to support Ethiopia reaching self-sufficiency in fertilizer production, with prospects of investing in its potential for exportation too.

In addition to the above, Morocco is working to enhance its collaboration with Ethiopia in field of women economic empowerment. In this respect, Morocco has organized, on 0304 December 2020, in collaboration with the Center for African Women Economic Empowerment (CAWEE), the First Women Continental Event, under the theme “Boosting Intra-African Trade: Women Taking The Lead”, which witnessed the participation of 08 Moroccan Women Cooperatives. The inauguration of this event was honored by the presence of Her Excellency Mrs. Sahle-Work Zewde, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and His Excellency Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission.

Moreover, a women Moroccan delegation, led by the Vice-president of the National Union of Women of Morocco (UNFM) has also paid a visit to Addis Ababa from 27-31 January 2020. The UNFM is Chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem and considered as the oldest and largest women organization in Morocco.

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic fighting and thanks to smart Vision of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, Morocco witnessed an exemplary burst of solidarity at both national and African level. At the national level, the Kingdom adopted a series of measures based on a preventive and proactive approach.

Public authorities have been highly mobilized to provide support to the populations most affected by the slowdown in economic activity, in particular through the Special Fund launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, a Royal initiative which has aroused a great surge of solidarity in the country. At the African level, His Majesty King Mohammed VI gave his very high Instructions for sending Moroccan made medical aid to 15 African countries.

The aid is intended to provide protective medical equipment to support the brotherly African countries in their efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. This solidarity action is part of the implementation of the Initiative launched by His Majesty the King, on April 13, 2020, with His Excellency Mr. Alassane Dramane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Ivory Coast, and, His Excellency Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, to share experiences and good practices and establish an operational framework in order to support African efforts in the pandemic management.

In sum, the pace and scope of what we have achieved in a short time are extraordinary. We have a great deal to look forward and seize the shared willingness to boost bilateral trade ties and benefit from the huge opportunities to even greater cooperation between Morocco and Ethiopia.

By Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Ethiopia, Nezha Alaoui M’Hammdi in connection with the 21st anniversary of the enthronement of the King, Mohammed VI.

The Ethiopian herald August 1,2020

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