Patriot’s association raises 20 mln. tobuild museum

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Patriots Association announced as it has raised twenty million Birr for the construction of state-of-the-art museum in Addis Ababa.

War time collections including weapons and ammunitions,modern and traditional equipment used in war fields,orders, medals and decorations will be exhibited in the would be Patriots’ museum, the Association said.

Association’s Deputy President Amb.Alemayehu Abebe Shenqut, told to The Ethiopian Herald that the Association has received a 740-square meterparcel of land in the capitalfor the construction.

Various artifacts are still in the hands of members of the association, he indicated, vowing that the artifacts would be collected from individuals on voluntary basis.

The construction will begin following the election of new leadership next April, he noted.

When ittakes shape, the 11-floor building is said to include library, theatre, photo gallery, planetarium, recreation center for patriots, among others.

The Ethiopian herald February 15/2019


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