Mama suffered a lot

Coz of policies and strategies meant to cripple and tear apart

Exploiting the rift along different political and ethnic groups

Creating and nurturing divisions with a hope to see prolonged chaos

Funding and fueling any possible militant group

That left the government and the people lose their focus

Every now and then fighting against visible and invisible hands

That created a conducive environment for poverty to breed

That’s how we suffered

Which brought us to the point where we’re sick and tired

This is the land of patriots

Who never gave their hands to colonizers

Whose conviction to freedom has been unshaken

Tasted over and over the ages and proved unchanging

There is no reason to be bound

by the so called agreement reached – in the colonial period

Among the nations under colony

Labeling 0% to 86% contributor country

What a fair water share! What a blessed smart neighbor!

Who has a long vision to walk together!

What a shame to listen to a neighbor crying like a dog over a power generation dam which doesn’t consume a droplet of water

This is the pride of Africa

The land where Nelson Mandela received training

Where he learnt the ABC of struggle and conquest

The land where the yes – we can news was heralded to the black fellows in bondage

A new horizon of hope to the whole continent

The pride of Africa – on its way to rediscover its original height

Over 100 million sons and daughters of the icon of freedom to the black world

Waged war against poverty that kept us lag behind

Regardless of ethnicity and religion

Against a common enemy to all

It’s time for history to repeat itself

On the battle of Adwa the second

Ethiopia shall rise breaking the chains that held it back,

Demolishing the walls of division and breaking the chains of hatred.

El-Winner Merid, Lecturer at Kotebe Metropolitan University. Can be reached with

The Ethiopian Herald   July 25/2020

El winner Merid

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