Days of zero sum game are over!

We don’t need the approval of any foreign power

To use our God given natural resource

If it is not for peaceful coexistence

The government wouldn’t have gone extra miles

From disclosing the design document to forming a common technical team

Which is there to make sure

The dam is free from safety concern

And proves it doesn’t bring significant harm

Sticking to old fashioned and outdated tactic will be too costly and quite unwise

On top of that it’s good to know every tactic has an expiry date

Getting fixed like a dry bone – Appearing inanimate and inconsiderate of what’s going on

Position contrary to the very essence of the diplomacy of the day – give and take

Will surely result in the dry bones to break and loss of everything

Recognize the century twenty-first; Know what works and not

Spoiling the smooth relationship will have formidable consequences

Unless you put aside the selfish mindset the worst days are ahead

“Only me”, “only me” to the level you cannot see

Naked selfishness before the eyes of the entire world

Immature, childlike, insane, shameless gang, intoxicated with self-indulgence

Blinded with self-centered madness

We’ve No ears to hear, No eyes to see such ignorance (arrogance)

I live, you die [syndrome]

I eat, you starve

I laugh, you cry

I control, you beg

I’m king eagle soaring high in the sky

You’re poor chicken tied up on the ground – destined to crawl.

I lead, you follow

I dictate, you submit

I talk, you keep quiet

Like a sheep heading to be slaughtered

Man this is super selfish that anyone at any era can never stand

Let alone on the twenty-first.

How can one claim 100%

Without contributing a single droplet

This is more than greed – It even extends to taking pleasure on others’ pain.

Man I want you to remember

Days of zero sum game are over

Spoiling the smooth relationship will have formidable consequences

Unless you put aside the selfish mindset the worst days are ahead

Let everyone with a pure heart and mind make sound judgment

  1. Is there any international law that forbids 86% contributor country to utilize its natural resource for development purpose?
  2. Hasn’t Ethiopia decided to fill the dam in stages [over 4-7 years] to avoid significant harm in the downstream?
  3. Does a hydroelectric dam consume water after hitting the turbine?
  4. Hasn’t Ethiopia been open about the details of the construction of the dam to the point of disclosing the design document to establishing a common technical and legal team?

So, what noise am I hearing then?

Let everyone with a pure heart and mind make sound judgment

The Ethiopian Herald   July 25/2020

El winner Merid

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