Verses on GERD


The second key historic moment

In the history of the nation

July Twenty Second

Marks the beginning of a new period

CONGRATULATION to all the ACTORS – who made it possible!!

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Delayed over 4 years of the due time but here it is at the second right time

Potentially rich and auspicious – truly grand & enormous

With a capacity of its fruits overflow to the neighborhoods

Pregnant with East African and African renaissance

And beyond wherever there is a need

It is a living statue of my generation

A concrete witness to the legacy of a grand

project execution

A day breaking light after the longest solid night

An eagle wing that aids us to fly high in the sky

Waving the flags of peace and cooperation with the entire Africa and frater nations

It is a major turning point in history,

That would empower the nation transform profoundly.

Game changer in the fight against poverty

A lead star that takes us to prosperity

A password to the highly longed-for renaissance

Pregnant with multitude promises

All eyes on the GERD, elsewhere and on its motherland

70 million plus expecting it to drive out

The hovering darkness and shed light

It’s a lifesaving project and a fuel to forge

the future

A way to deal with the fast growing population

It means a lot to the nation, to the land of origins,

It means a lot to the cradle of human kind, and to the region at large.

It is a seed of integration

For the suffering region

Devastated by a series of civil wars

That left all the resources untapped

A catalyst and a cornerstone to the ABC of the integration within, and the region

A binding covenant for mutual growth and benefit

It means a lot to the nation, to the land of origins,

It means a lot to the cradle of human kind, and to the region at large,

It means a lot to children, to poor mothers –

to Africa, and to the whole world

Some would like to call it contentious

But it is crystal clear – for Ethiopia it is more than a need

A promising lifter for millions hooked

A window of opportunity for all citizens being stricken and hammered

It is HOPE to the hopeless

Home to the homeless

Bread to the starving

And Water to the thirst

It is everything and anything words can, and fail to describe

Light to those in darkness

Healing to the suffering patients

A springboard for a big stride

A potential multiplier and time savior

It is everything and anything words can, and fail to describe

The Ethiopian Herald   July 25, 2020

El winner Merid

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