Council working on addressing domestic rows

ADDIS ABABA (FBC) National Council of Mediators says it is working towards solving the domestic misunderstandings through the efforts of mediators and religious leaders so as to deliver the nation to a better chapter.

In a statement released yesterday Council Chairperson Prof. Mesfin Arya, recalled that consultations were started with the Ethiopian Interfaith Council last year to address the problems through traditional reconciliation methods.

Five months ago, the council was able to embrace representatives of elders from each state and have started working on this. However, it failed to progress as the desired speed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic.

Yet the efforts have resumed since the epidemic cannot be considered beyond the peace and unity the nation. Accordingly, Prof Araya said in the first round the mediators headed to Tigray State on Tuesday to negotiate on the rift that reined between Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) and the ruling Prosperity Party.

During the consultation consensus has been reached on the issue that peace and unity are a duty for which everyone should stand as responsible.

TPLF leaders have also forwarded various concerns to be addressed and expressed readiness to engage in dialogue.

He said the council had reached agreement on the issue of peace and unity, as well as the possibility of meeting with leaders of the ruling party

 in Addis Ababa.

The council has also realized that there is an opportunity to work together despite their differences if the two sides come closer and discuss.

Pastor Daniel and Deputy Chairperson of the Council Athlete Haile Gabresellasie vowed to sustain their endeavor to the end since internal cohesion is vital to carry the nation towards a better chapter.

The council further indicated that after screening discussion points for the two sides it will engage them in dialogue and expressed hope of reaching to a solution.

The council noted that the reconciliatory effort would not be limited to the difference between the ruling party and TPLF and vowed to extend the consultation to Oromia and other areas.

The Ethiopian Herald Jun 20,2020


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