Addis deserves more greenery

ADDIS ABABA- Modernization is not a safe journey. It is always accompanied by its own adverse effects. This is particularly true in the face of environment related challenges. There were times when most coroners of Addis Ababa were covered by green mantles.

However, following the expansion and emergence of blazing and high -rise buildings, the City is now exposed to deforestation. It is being swallowed by concrete jungles. Infrastructural and housing related issues are depleting the green areas in most central parts of the city.

Though mountains that are found in Addis and its surroundings are affording the capital with refreshing wind, the City is experiencing the hottest weather which was uncommon previously. Addis Ababa City Administration, Environment Protection Authority, Deputy Head, Engineer Gutana Moroda said, awareness among the society is needed in developing green areas. He said, a healthy society is a product of a healthy environment.

To ensure this, there should be active involvement of every citizen. There has to be protection and preservation activities, he noted. So far, the authority has accomplished several tasks.Other environmental protection activities are underway. “Whenever we preserve our green areas, we can preserve a healthy lifestyle.

We should not be victims of our own mistakes. We should preserve the already fenced green areas and develop other plots.” He said, the Authority is mandated to preserve green areas. In this regard, it is always by the side of stakeholders that are engaged in environmental protection activities. On his part, Kidney failure Dialysis Charity Organization, General Manager, Solomon Assefa, said, kidney-related diseases are now militating against people with the age range between18-38.

This is a working force. According to him, poor physical exercise and failure to visit health practitioners are some of the causes for kidney-related challenges. “When the problem exacerbates, victims will face serious health complications and economic challenges. This is not a problem confined to some individuals.

It is also a national one. In this respect, we have to attach value to green areas, where everyone can do physical exercises. Green areas are our common lungs.” Mesay Shefaw, Messay Promotion CEO on his part said that the mountain rendezvous program has an objective to create awareness among the society pertaining to the importance of preserving green areas.

Environmental change is a global challenge but we can respond to it locally. Every person is duty bound in this regard. Whenever we have a healthy society we will have a healthy economy. In this respect, preserving and developing green areas is not a task we put on the backburner. He said, we can learn a lot from the value of green area and from the mountains that encircled Addis and that serving the city as a lung.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 10/2019


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