A language that survived extinction

Among more than 80 languages in spoken in Ethiopia, Argobba language is spoken in different parts of the country especially in Yifat area which is located in North Shewa of Amhara regional state.

According to Joshuproject.com the data provided by knowledgeable elders in all the areas inhabited by the Argobba indicate that there are three different versions on the origin of this people. The first version holds that when the Arab clan known as Benew Imeya lost its ruling power to another clan 800 years ago and dispersed throughout the world, it came also to Ethiopia. The second version holds that when a dispute arose between the Prophet Muhammad and the followers of other religions, eighty-two followers of the Prophet came to Ethiopia to Ahmed Nejash carrying a letter asking him to accept Islam. After having delivered the letter, they came to Yifat and settled there. The third version on the origin of the Argobba differs from the previous two. According to this version, the Argobba are not immigrants, but an ancient and indigenous people who accepted Islam very early from religious leaders who came from Arabia.

Aminu Endris an Elder of Argobba people lives in Shewarobit Town; North Shewa of Amhara Regional state told The Ethiopian Herald that although the people inhabit in four parts of the country namely, Amhara, Afar, Oromiya, and Harari, the region of Amhara has taken the lion’s share of the languages speakers.

He further added that the language of Argobba has its own feature characteristics neither Arabic nor Amharic or other languages. However, the language is fully spoken in Konikie and Tolloha in the region of Oromiya. But a few speakers in Amhara region especially restricted on elders around Shewa Robit town and Alyuamba.

‘’Due to the main elements of the 1994 population and housing census is mothers tongue and most of the people are Amharic speakers, then the census has approved that the Argobban people do not extend from 60 in south wollo zone and 32,000 north shewa of Amhara region. However, the number is beyond from the listed amount which reached to 46,000 and 500,000 in the respective orders.’’ Aminu reminded.

He also expected that, if it takes creditable census, the number may reach more than one million in the listed two zones of Amhara region only.

Cultural Values Director at Culture and Tourism Bureau in Amhara region Berehan Tsegaye on her part said that identifying and developing the languages through research is one task of the bureau so as to ensure people interest. To facilitate this, the bureau stretches its branches to woreda or district level. According to the Director, the region conducted researches on the issues of culture, history, and language of the Argobba people. However, the research are not discussed with the zonal level and districts due to the persisted of political instability during the past two years.

She believed that Argobba language should be developed and people served their own resource like that of other languages. Researcher on Argobban Language, Ahmed Shenkie agrees that giving recognition for people they asked legally has playing indispensable role so as to ensure languages development. However, in Ethiopia there are some 42 languages that were under extinction including Argobba language that identified by Ministry of Education two years ago.

On the other hand, absence of any dictionary, and dominated by nearby languages had an impact on the Argobba language development during the past many years.

Ahmed further added that, it was prepared Argobban-Amharic dictionary and Argobban Language for Novice or Beginners nine years ago. It has also prepared materials for pre regular school for students and teachers in order to save the language. Beyond this, it is also preparing other materials in addition to curriculum.

The Ethiopian herald May 30, 2020


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