Sound stance key to steadfastness!

Abraham Lincoln, an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th president of the United States, once said, “Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.

” This quote reminds us the authenticity of Ethiopia’s firmness on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) since the outset. Justly, Ethiopia has been sustaining unwavering stance in all the processes for it made a wise decision. Actually, its firm stand is the clearest indication the nation has chosen the right and balanced stance.

Its stand is to bring the construction of the Dam to successful ending and address many questions of its people through ensuring mutual benefit with all countries that share the resources.

Unfortunately, the approach Egypt has been following seems to rage against all wise judgment. While Ethiopia has chosen approach that benefits all, Egypt has been following its own whim that cannot accommodate mutual benefit.

Interestingly, with higher determination, Ethiopia has continued the construction of the Dam and it has clearly stated this stance confidently.

As the construction has enjoyed active participation of the wider public, the project shall undoubtedly be brought to fruitful accomplishment. What makes Ethiopia’s decision so brilliant approach is its determination to use its natural resources for its development and prosperity without hurting the interests and benefits of others. It is impossible for any health mind to disregard this prudent offering.

The problem emerges when Egypt pursues its own selfish desire without considering the mutual benefits. Unfortunately, such approach cannot encourage sound judgment.

Remarkably, Ethiopia has continued clearly stating and pursuing its blameless stance on the issue of a fair and balanced share of the resources among all countries that share the resources.

It has been advocating the mutual benefits through negotiation and continuing the construction. More importantly, Ethiopia allowed even international consultants or third party professionals to evaluate the dam consequences in order to maximize the mutual benefits.

All in all, Ethiopia’s firm stand on the GERD surely maximizes the mutual benefits for all. The firmness of its stand is the witness for its authenticity and wiser decision. Should it make sound and right judgment, Egypt has to respect the approach that advances the mutual benefits.

The Ethiopian Herald May 26, 2020

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