Emperor Haileselassie’s statue reflects African liberation, integration: Researcher

ADDIS ABABA – The statue of Emperor Haileselassie, built and erect in the premises of the African Union (AU), will portray Emperor Haileselassie’s role in establishing the OAU/AU, and his contributions to the freedom and independence of Africa and African peoples, said Hailemelekot Agizew.

Following African Union’s (AU) schedule to unveil the statue of Emperor Haileselassie in the coming few days, Hailemelekot, Cultural Heritage Senior Researcher the Ethiopian Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage: (EARCCH) told The Ethiopian Herald that the Emperor was the initiator and one of the frontline founders of the then OAU, the current AU.

In earlier years, the move from AU’s part had drawn controversy where many were asking why the AU failed to pay the same tribute to Emperor Haileselassie, the founder. But, now time has made it so. “The statue, I have no doubt, will reflect the history of African liberation, integration, and Emperor Haileselassie’s indisputable role in the evolution of Africa’s development agenda,” Hailemelekot noted.

Abeba Mengesha, resident of Addis Ababa on her part said that Emperor Haileselassie is one of the pioneers who played key role Norway vows … Emperor Haileselassie’s… in establishing the Organization of African Union in 1963. The Statue should have been erected long time ago. Emperor Haileselsassie’s lasting contribution to the freedom and unity of Africa was overshadowed, if not totally buried, due to the political developments in the country in the past 45 years.

While talking the importance of erecting the statue in the premises of AU, she said Emperor Haileselassie played a pivotal role in advancing the concept of Pan-Africanism and initiated the importance of establishing an organization for Africans [OAU]. Erecting his statue apart from honoring him for his contributions, it is source of proud for all Ethiopians, including African leadership and fellow citizens.

“In my view, the Emperor deserves the statue. He had fought colonizers and used his diplomatic charisma to influence the attitude of various groups and make up their mind.” Emperor Hailesialssie financed the building of an Af¬rica Hall worth two million USD to provide a place for African leaders to meet. He also footed the bill for a luxurious guest house and banquet among others.

It was learnt that His Emperor’s Statue is carved by Ale Felege Selam Art School sculptures of the Addis Ababa University. The Statue is expected to be unveiled in the coming few days on the opening ceremony of the 32nd African Union Summit in the presence of African leaders and members of the diplomatic community in Addis Ababa. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed among will attend the ceremony.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 6/2019


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