Foundation eyeing education sector to boost Ethio-UAE ties

ADDIS ABABA- Supporting Ethiopia’s education quality improvement policy and financing the construction of schools in various parts of Addis Ababa, the UAE based Al Maktoum Foundation (AMF) is playing its part in cementing the two countries’ ties, member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Mirza Al Sayegh said.

He told The Ethiopian Herald that the organization is serving as one of the pillars in taking the Ethio- UAE all-rounded relations and cooperation to new heights. Mirza noted that AMF fully funded the construction of two Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid schools in Yeka and Nifas Silk Lafto sub cites of Addis Ababa in the outlay of over 1.5 million USD in the view to support efforts to ensure quality education and enhance school’s accessibility in the capital’s environs.

He indicated that agreement was reached with Addis Ababa Education Bureau in the operation of the schools and AMF would run the projects for the coming five years by fully covering operational costs including paying the salaries of teachers and supportive staffs for the reported period.

Fulfilling the necessary school materials and actualizing operation of the schools are the major components of this project, he said, adding that 42 teachers and 24 supportive staffs would be employed for the two schools within the five years of project period. Noting that the aim of the school program is to spread quality education across Addis Ababa, Mirza said that over 1,100 students are expected to enroll in both sites starting from grade five up to the end of secondary school (grade 10).

The foundation applauded the indispensable role various government organs have played in transforming the projects into a reality. According to him, AMF agreed to buy two buses for teachers’ transport and equipped the schools with modern educational facilities and equipment including libraries, laboratories and clinics. The foundation has also set target to build teachers’ dormitories in the schools.

Agreement was reached with Addis Ababa Deputy Mayor Takele Umma to enhance the existing cooperation into technical and vocational education and training schools (TVETs) and the foundation expressed conviction to build a technical school that would train students in electricity, metal, wood work, and other highly commercial fields.

Mirza stated that consensus was also reached with Addis Ababa’s administration to transform two selected schools into boarding schools and high-achieving students would be enrolled as the form of scholarship. The construction of two new high schools in Addis Ababa’s environs is also part of the agreement.

AMF has also a desire to work closely with pertinent stakeholders to share UAE’s success in building the economy through a concerted action of people from multi-religious and multi -ethnic backgrounds to Ethiopia, he noted. Al Maktoum Foundation is a humanitarian charity organization founded in 1997 under the royal patronage of Sheikh Hamadan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE’s Minister of Finance and Dubai’s Deputy Ruler.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 5/2019



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