Peace in the eyes of visual artists

Peace is an inside-out process. The more we nurture peaceful thoughts, the more peaceful environment we could create. As the saying goes “…the mouth speaks what the heart is replete with”. A peaceful heart speaks what is constructive. Peaceful mind of an artist gives birth to peaceful and constructive ideas. Lately, a group of Ethiopian visual artists together with Ministry of Peace had organized an art exhibition at Millennium hall. On the event, not less than 90 Ethiopian artists had staged their work. As one can witness from the exhibition, almost all the paintings are the reflections of the artists’ peaceful hearts.

They are painted with the vision of New Ethiopia and bright future. The color compositions and the philosophies of almost all the paintings showcase the new and great Ethiopia. The various paintings staged at the Millennium hall were the direct reflections of painters` philosophies and thoughts.

Great Ethiopia, tolerance, peace and respect among others, were presented on the exhibition. Several artists had participated. Artists that run the gamut from professional to armatures had presented their work and children were given opportunities to paint on canvases that were prepared at the hall. Ethiopian Painters and Sculptures Association Chairperson Wondessen Kebede told The Ethiopian Herald that the exhibition was organized with the theme of reflecting artis`s desire for better and brighter future.

It is well documented that visual art has a power to convey information and reflect the philosophical thoughts of civilization. Ethiopia is no different from this. Despite all the political pressure, artists in Ethiopia had been reflecting their grief and philosophies through paintings. The art exhibition that was held at Millennium hall is a good manifestation to this. Artist Estifanos Negatu is among the young artists who staged his work at Millennium hall. Like other painters, he had reflected his philosophical thoughts via his breathtaking paining.

According to him, Ethiopia is a land of several Nation Nationalities and Peoples. Ethiopians have accustomed to the culture of living in harmony. No matter what their differences are, they have great value to tolerance and love. However, this tolerance is being tempted by the intervention of some greedy individuals.

We should think out of the box says Estifanos. We should think about the great picture that include the whole Africa not only Ethiopia. Yonas Amha, is the other young painter who staged his works. In his painting, Yohanis had portrayed a beautiful woman holding a white pigeon in a relaxed manner. The pigeon looks comfortable with the situation. As to Yonas, the woman represents the new Ethiopia and the bird embodies peace.

“Peace is in our hand. We shall not let it to slip away from us. We have to protect it as the apple of our eye, while it is in our hand. If it slips away through the slits of our fingers, it will take us long way to get back hard-won peace,” says Yonas. Artist and historian Wondessen Kebede believes that art has a power to reflect the feelings of majority. In this respect, painters have to be liberal in their thought and they have to be voices to the voiceless. In one of his works, which was not included in the exhibition, Wendeswen has tried to portray the harrowing situation of Ethiopian youths, who were coerced to go through trying times.

On this work a little girl most part of whose body is covered by the Ethiopian flag is seen. The girl looks courageous angry and also terrified. The facial expression of the girl mirrors determination of taking all measures to earn her freedom and to bring about justice .But something has prevented her from doing that. Behind this little girl Ethiopian history books are seen.They remind the looker to understand the true value and identity of Ethiopianism.

On the other side of the painting there are coffee beans. Some of the coffee beans are floating on the air, while the others are scattered all over the floor. According to Wendwessen, this little girl represents Ethiopian youths. She is a reflection of resentment and suppression. The floating beans on the painting represent those Ethiopian youth who are forced to migrate because of an oppressive political system.

Those coffee beans are thrown on the ground represent Ethiopian youths who are killed and imprisoned. Asked about his opinion about Dr. Abiy`s move in the Ethiopian political life, artist Wendwessen said that Dr. Abiy is a timely leader for Ethiopian politics. He is 21st century leader. Had he come into Ethiopian political arena sometimes in the 20th century he who will not cater to the taste of the then people. There was an attempt to lead this generation with 20th century mentality. But the people did not accept that. However now, there is a political transition in the political landscape of the nation. In the exhibition the writer of this piece had witnessed several awe-inspiring paintings that attract the attention of viewers.

They are painted with the mind of a positive thinker. They are conceived with a mind that longs for sustainable peace. Well, the march towards that end has already started. The journey that aspires to create a stable Ethiopia is now on its way. There might be several logjams that block the way towards peace. But with the concerted effort of peace loving Ethiopians, we can create new Ethiopia with new vision. If all Ethiopians contribute their part for the wellbeing of Ethiopia, there could be no single force that prevents us from building a strong nation, whose foundation is laid on peace and love.

Herald FEBRUARY 3/2019





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