Premier, First lady make their adopted child legal

A request made by the Ethiopian Premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed and the First lady towards making their adopted child legal has won a go ahead by the 7th criminal court as per the Family Law of Ethiopia.

The first lady had applied to the court targeting at adopting the child earlier. Consequently, the court that examined the case has given her the green light. In the court it has been clearly stated that the first lady’s family has the capacity to adopt the child and take care of him well.

president of the supreme court Meaza Ashenafi has congratulated the first lady and her family on their success. Relating to the matter Meaza said, “Involving in this kind of act inspires others to follow suit. I have not seen all my born days leaders and high government officials standing before the court to have their case settled. Getting in this kind of act in black and white demonstrates the fact that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law.

Herald FEBRUARY 3/2019


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